Life is not judged by how many breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.

away from home, I live all alone.

Alone I sit in my chair, pondering many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore.

Lore may be foregotten, but it often contains words with wisdom.

Sun don't shine when it's raining.

Raining cats and dogs it is! :s :p

You are supposed to post using the most recent sentence.

(My game sentence) Is this the right way?

Outside temps are cold!

cold blooded animals are very ugly !

Ugly in a matter of opinion.

opinion of the minority is always ignored.

Ignored people can always fight back.

Backup your data regularly.

Regularly check for viruses.

viruses and bacterias are microscopic !

Microscopic bacteria can make you very sick.

sickness is common during this part of the year.

Year is the last word in your sentence beginning with sickness but should begin with sick.

sick people should be taken to infirmary as soon as possible.

Possible, but no, I think it was a form of radiation poisoning.

poisoning the food to kill someone is not only horrible but also barbaric.

Barbaric was the norm in early civilization.

Civilization has improved exponentially with time.

Time and time again you do what I tell you not to.

To go against your wishes would be my last wish.

Wish for the best, prepare for the worst.

Worst rhymes with cursed, but is spelled much differently.

Differently we see the world but we still must work together to make it better.

Better late than never.

Never say never.

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