Surname is also known as lastname

Lastmane can sometime be hard to pronounce

pronounce chinese name its very difficult for me

Me, Mo and Mu are 3 chinese brothers.

Brothers can be triplets

triplets brother has a same characteristic

Characteristic can vary from a lot of different types

types of this site is pleasure people

people have different types of personalities

personalities books give me a knowledge

Knowledge is the best weapon one can have.

have an experience is the best teacher for you.

You just reached a milestone of 500 posts ;)

posts till 500 will up one reputation power

Power of knowledge can never be destroyed !

Destroyed the town of Tokyo the Godzilla did

did the right think

think you can outsmart me

Me said to Mo, "Zao shang hao!".

"Zao shang hao!" what kind of language?

Language is Mandarin !

Mandarin is a very complex language to learn is it not

Not only do I love the language..I really love to speak it

It is a hard language language to learn if your native to english

English is a weird language.

Language has been the subject of this thread for a while, do you not agree?

Agree with me or prepare to flee.

flee i will If i mess with you

You will soon understand everything.

Everything is easy to understand

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