wait, you hate maths?

i thaught you loved it - oh no wait tahts teddy...

i hate maths too im gonna fail that next general studies exam

I used to hate math until I realized it wasn't the math at all, it was the teachers. I have a new teacher this semester and he is awesome. I've come to love Algebra! :)

i hated it but then we got this cool greek guy teaching maths in the last year if schoool. If it wasnt for him i would have failed and been screwed in college.

but im still not good enough at maths to do it as a subject tho which is a pain as nearly every single (computing) subject in university which i like the look of requires A llevel maths

I was always good in math, and was surprised to learn that in my computing life math was rarely needed beyond the basics. When we needed higher math we were generally given the equation which had to be translated into code, but that wasn't too hard. Pretty straight forward most of the time.

So for me math wasn't really necessary.

I was always good in math, and was surprised to learn that in my computing life math was rarely needed beyond the basics. When we needed higher math we were generally given the equation which had to be translated into code, but that wasn't too hard. Pretty straight forward most of the time.

Yeah, well it begins to hurt once you try to start manipulating matrices in 3D space and other stuff like that in game programming...

Basically I gave up game programming because I didn't know enough math to do my calculations.


2d is fine for me

I am a robot. Yeah. That is very accurate.

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