Yeah, it was definitely a good one.

It looks like most 70% of people on Daniweb like to laugh. ^.^

.. And almost no1 likes westerns or musicals..

Lol yeah. I like some musicals... and I hate westerns.


Comedy westerns and musicals are funny thiugh. e.g Blazing Saddles and Tenacious D

Talking about musicals.. Have you people seen any indian movies?.. its like each and every movie consist of 5 to 6 songs in it.

Oh yeah and i like action/ horror and war movies.. Well the last horror movie i saw was The Grudge and it sucked.

I didn't like The Grudge either.

Talking about musicals.. Have you people seen any indian movies?.. its like each and every movie consist of 5 to 6 songs in it.

Yeah, we get the indian channel on cable here and its pretty cool to watch all the latest bollywood hits.

P.S I liked the grudge, that noise the japanese kid makes scared me though.....

My favorite movie ever is "The Notebook." I cry every time I watch it. =)

I hated that movie...

I hated that movie...

Omgosh why? Lol

haha.. I actually didn't see all of it.. Just enough to know that it was boring..

haha.. I actually didn't see all of it.. Just enough to know that it was boring..

Noooo! You'd have to watch all of it. Or maybe, you're just a guy.


I saw the end of it.. like from the sex scene on.. Isn't the end supposed to be the most exciting?

Lol I don't know. I just like it because it's sweet. It's not supposed to be an action movie.

lol.. yea, I don't really like those chick flicks

Yeah, its a bit of a chick flick.

Yeah, but my boyfriend liked it.

Anyone else have a favorite movie they'd like to share with us?

i liked paycheck

never seen it. I just watched jaws 3 on tv. It sucked lol jaws was so obviously a model.

haha yea..

Do yall get many american movies.. ? Or do you produce your own

We get the american blockbusters yeah, like MI3 and stuff but we also get a lot of british films (usualy comedy or gangster) - (and to a small extent niche films like indian ones)

hahaa british gangster films..

I know. I like vinnie jones in lock stock. Thats a good film, gritty with lots of black humor.

haha icic.. what about 'the queen'. What do most british people think of that movie? Do americans get the accents right? lol.. I remember some1 talkn about that on jay leno

What americans consider to be a british accent is not really a real british accent. That sort of accent is only really used by the upper classes and people like newsreaders and of course, in films.

accents are also very regional for such a small country.

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