
CCNA = Cisco Certified Network Associate.

I don't much about my boyfriend's studies, but I do know that he is A+ Certified, an MCSE, and will be taking the CCNA intro exam and Network+ exam this summer.

Back on the subject of college, I'm graduating in a week!! So excited to be done with school finally:icon_cheesygrin:

Are you planning to get a phd?

No, it doesn't suit my interests. Plus it'd be too expensive :P

So what are you getting? Associates?

BS in Computer Science.

Oh that's cool. And you're graduating with that degree next week? Congrats!

I hope to get a phd but eight years full time just seems so far away. I'm hoping it won't be too expensive and/or it will just pay itself off. I guess it depends on which school I go to. I could go to a place like Bowling Green for free but that's just a mediocre school (from what I've heard) or I could go to Cornell which is in the Iy League and hopefully it would pay itself off and I would be able to get a few scholarships. A BS in computer science must be hard to get. You know more than I'll ever know about computers in my life.

I've been researching Carnegie Mellon's MISM program a bit. I'm curious as to whether or not it's worth the price (~$26,000/sem (if i get no financial aid and no scholarships)).

That's a little too pricey for me.

Yea, I'd like to go to graduate school too.. college is so damn expensive though..

sk8: Truthfully, It doesn't matter what school you go to for undergrad.. almost all 4 year public universities are the same.. However, for grad school you should definitely go to an ivy league.. like MIT.. who denied me btw, those **********!(I asterisked that myself, so don't ban me again). lol. Their dean of admissions had to resign b/c she had lied on her initial application, and from what I understand, she had never gone to college in the first place!

Ye should go to college in Ireland then :) It's pretty much free comparatively.

Im going to university in scotland for that very reason :)

i dont need to pay the english fee either (which is still cheap) as im from there and we have a house there

plus scottish universities are very good, its their rep not the price that makes me like them

is carnegie mellon ivy league?


The ivy league schools consist of: Brown, columbia, cornell, dartmouth, harvard, princeton, U penn, and yale.

I think MIT is part of the "extended" ivy league though...

yea.. they aren't really part of it, but most consider them to be.

I'll probably change schools when I go to graduate school. There was a program at MIT where a lot of students got together and learned all the mathematics behind card playing. They learned and memorized how to play the game and do good. They learned how to count cards real fast and everything. Then they went to Las Vegas to try out their skills. They did really good but then they started to get kicked out because the casino owners didn't like how good they were doing, there was actually no real reason they had to kick them out except they were doing really good. Eventually they made a comeback and made three million dollars. And now they're organizing another team for just the same thing.

hah.. I just read about that on Wikipedia under 'counting cards'. Apparently, they were awesome at counting cards (well, duh.. MIT), and they made millions.. the casinos eventually found out, and blacklisted them, though.

That doesn't seem very fair does it? They're not breaking the rules are doing anything illegal. They're just really good at gambling.

if you count cards in casinos you will get beaten up and kicked out.

No, it's not fair. But, counting cards does give an advantage, and casinos are private institutions so they can refuse anyone..

if you count cards in casinos you will get beaten up and kicked out.


I read up on it a bit, I'm gonna practice and go to Vegas and get rich :)

Yeah, that's what everyone says. Lol.

If it's used by the public than they still have that right? A restaurant can't kick someone out just because they don't like how they look can they? (Serious question)

Yea, they probably can. I saw on the news a while back that some fancy restaurant kicked out OJ Simpson b/c they didn't like him.

Private institutions can do w/e they wont so long as its legal (no discrimination..)

I always thought since it was used by the public they couldn't do things like that. For exapmle, Ohio just passed a law that says no smoking indoors in public places, which means in all restaurants.

For exapmle, Ohio just passed a law that says no smoking indoors in public places, which means in all restaurants.

That's good. [For non-smokers.]
I hate having the smell of smoke around me while I eat. It makes me want to vomit.

Yea, they probably can. I saw on the news a while back that some fancy restaurant kicked out OJ Simpson b/c they didn't like him.

Private institutions can do w/e they wont so long as its legal (no discrimination..)

After which, the individual in question will probably turn around, sue the institution for as much as s/he thinks s/he can get away with, and in our litigation-happy society, actually has a fair chance to make an unfair gain. And another question: How do you disprove discrimination charges when it's claimed you are discriminating against a single specific individual for some asinine reason or another?

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