Butter cookie with a chocolate center (there goes my New Year's resolution) and a cup of coffee.

some oranges

Sprite along with some Orange & Lime Tic-Tacs
Yum :D

Lemsip and tea, not in the same cup however.



What kind of water, well, bottled, city, rain, river, flood, hot, glacial, ice, soda, effervescent, previously used, heavy, ethylated, ozonated, chlorinated, fluoridated?

Munching on some Raisinets (chocolate covered California raisins). Want to know more, check:

How about, All of the above?

A cup of coffee and biscuits.

Gin and tonic

Today I'm fasting...
Nothing to report

Squid rings...yummy

Green Tea *yawn*


Cocoa, bread and guava jam

After reading all the mind numbing squabble in some of the more political threads, this thread is one of the more enlightening ones:

Warmed over asparagus and egg au gratin.

commented: Agreed :) +3

Hot Chocolate.

Orange Juice along with some Bacon Sandwiches earlier :)

just drank grape juice


Standing order...

A Milwaukee brat and a Leinenkugel.

A Kosher dill and goat milk.

Hot Choco

Fanta. YUM!

mineral water and some cookies

Choco cake .. yummm *-*

ice cold water...-_-



Good for you! I own a boatload full of YUM stock.

Some Mexican egg schnaps with a Kahlua bottom.

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