yeah, but isnt that because the men become sterile or something?

I read the book a long time ago

yeah, but isnt that because the men become sterile or something?

I read the book a long time ago

Yeah or chicks just can't give birth any more. My point was more that there could be a massive inrush of refujis into australia if there was some sort of global cooling.

It sounds, to me, like the positives far outweigh the negatives for these units. This is especially true considering the fact that these roof-top wind machines offset the need for energy from uglier, more polluting sources.

By the way, some of the newer wind machines are actually quite nice to look at.

Hoppy :)

Spoken like someone who doesn't have to live near hundreds of them...
And doesn't need a rooftop for his commute or medevac ;)

lol not to mention the fact that they have to run for most of their life just to offset the energy required in producing them.

yup. I've seen some (never published, it was too politically incorrect as the study was funded by the green movement... Says enough about how such studies are published, meaning only if the results match the contracted results) studies that indicate clearly that in order to be "Greener" than an oil or gas fired plant takes a windfarm of the same capacity 10-15 years. Those plants only last 15-20 years at most before they have to be replaced because they're worn out (that oil fired plant otoh will easily last 50+ years).
Solar plants are worse. They too are no greener until they've run for 10-15 years, but they need replacing after only 5-10 years so they're in reality LESS "green" than burning oil or gas.

The Day After Tomorrow is FICTION, written by screenwriters who are afraid of climate change, but not afraid enough to keep from going on strike.

The Day After Tomorrow is FICTION, written by screenwriters who are afraid of climate change, but not afraid enough to keep from going on strike.

Just like an inconvenient truth.

Just like an inconvenient truth.

one difference, Gory Al's movie was written, performed, and created by the greenies themselves rather than by people afraid of them.
It shows in the worse cinematics, worse plot, and worse acting (as well as the even more blatant lies) :)

The most inconvenient truth in Gory Al's creation is the fact that Gory Al flunked on science in highschool and that his main house alone (he has several more) has the energy consumption of a midsized town.

commented: hahahah well said. +3

Hahah well said jwenting.

But i would not use Gore's flunking science as an argument. Hell i failed programming in year 10 and a couple of other computer classes (taught by the same teacher) and i turned out fine. Not only that but i work on computers full time. Software and hardware.

Of course i think in Gore's case its more that he is just a moron. Like most of America's "leaders" and former "leaders". With the exception of course of Nixon and Reagan.

The climate change is quite natural.But still I believe that mankind is playing a good role in case of global warming.

and why do you believe that? Where's your scientifically correct evidence?
How do you explain away the fact that Mars is warming faster than the earth and that's caused entirely by the sun in your assertion that the warming of the earth (which may or may not be happening) is caused by humans, not the sun?

A little off topic but has anyone seen Children of Men? Its basically set in 2037 where everywhere but england has gone to shit and all these Refuji's are trying to get into england.

Could be the same situation but as a result of global cooling rather then war.

If global cooling occurred, which is supposed to be happining as a result of the slowing of the so called "conveyor" (of which the gulf stream is a part), then England is the last place you would want to go. The entire British Isles would be covered in ice.

Hoppy :(

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