i am doing my engineering project and i need the code for matric inverse in c language so kindly help

zandiago commented: wrong forum/show effort please! +0

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Yes tell me the formulae for matrix inversion.

Welcome aboard..but you'll need to show some effort and also post your question the programing section of the daniweb forum. Please also read the rules/FAQ of the forum!

People will not do your homework for you.

// new test program to check matrix inversion template code
//#include <stdio.h>
//#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "matrix_h"
void dumpMatrixValues(matrix <double> M)  {
  bool xyz;
  double rv;
  for (int i=0; i < M.getactualsize(); i++)
    cout << "i=" << i << ": ";
    for (int j=0; j<M.getactualsize(); j++)
        cout << rv << " ";
    cout << endl;
int main (int argc, char** argv)  {
  cout << "hello world; this is a test of matrix inversion." << endl;
  matrix <double> M1(200,200);  // for test we create & invert this matrix
  matrix <double> M2(4,3);      // this will be a copy of original M1
  matrix <double> M3(3,2);      // this will contain the product
  int k = 0;
  rand();  // eliminates the first (= zero) call
  for (int i=0; i < M1.getactualsize(); i++)  // define random values for initial matrix
    for (int j=0; j<M1.getactualsize(); j++)
        M1.setvalue(i,j,-22+(100. * rand())/RAND_MAX);
  cout << "original matrix (size " << M1.getactualsize() << " x " <<
      M1.getactualsize() << ") created and filled with random values."<< endl;
//  dumpMatrixValues(M1);
  M1.invert();  // invert the matrix
  cout << "DONE with matrix inversion!" << endl;
//  dumpMatrixValues(M1);
  cout << "product computed; original x inverse:" << endl;
//  dumpMatrixValues(M3);
  cout << "product computed; inverse x original:" << endl;
//  dumpMatrixValues(M3);

post your question the programing section of the daniweb forum. Please also read the rules/FAQ of the forum!

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