Hi Everybody…
Some of my friends added Google +1 button into their website and they suggest me too, should i add Google +1 button into website or not. Because i sow many blogs they have +1 button but did see any website that has +1. Please share your views.

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Hi Everybody…
Some of my friends added Google +1 button into their website and they suggest me too, should i add Google +1 button into website or not. Because i sow many blogs they have +1 button but did see any website that has +1. Please share your views.

[link to reply content that was simply copied and pasted here]

well, thanks for sharing the Nice post.. keep it up!!!

commented: Useless. -3

+1 helps people discover relevant content—a website, a Google search result, or an ad—from the people they already know and trust. Adding the +1 button to your pages lets users recommend your content, knowing that their friends and contacts will see their recommendation when it’s most relevant—in the context of Google search results.

When a signed-in Google user is searching, your Google search result snippet may be annotated with the names of the user's connections who've +1'd your page. If none of a user's connections has +1'd your page, your snippet may display the aggregate number of +1's your page has received.

Content recommended by friends and acquaintances is often more relevant than content from strangers. For example, a movie review from an expert is useful, but a movie review from a friend who shares your tastes can be even better. Because of this, +1’s from friends and contacts can be a useful signal to Google when determining the relevance of your page to a user’s query. This is just one of many signals Google may use to determine a page’s relevance and ranking, and we’re constantly tweaking and improving our algorithm to improve overall search quality. For +1's, as with any new ranking signal, we'll be starting carefully and learning how those signals affect search quality.

In short : - +1 buttons let people who love your content recommend it on Google search

Yes that's right! simply but long!
Thanks for sharing great point with us!

commented: Useless. -3

I read that Matt Cutts has said they'll eventually use data for ranking purposes.

Well why don't try. I hope it won't harm you :)

Just to let you guys know, Google +1 has been added to Google Webmaster tools. You can see the partial benefit there. I hope none of you are under the impression the +1 will have much benefit, Google +1 is simply an answer to Facebook's 'like' button. Google hate not having something Facebook is doing well with. You will find these companies are fighting a great deal (Google+ Google's version of a social network) this is very common between giants. Microsoft brought out a phone to prevent Apple controlling the market.

Google + button is going to help us in getting higher ranking in SERP.

Thanks for the share good post
But is it really going to optimize my site in search engines

Google+1 button helps to button recommend your pages to your friends, similar to Facebook like button.

Google+ Button and good for the SERP.It's good for Google reader.

yeah i see many website they are using google + tag.

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