Hey Guys,

I am having issues with my header. I have a header image which I set as my background that expands with browser, but I want it to be 502px in height.

Here is my css:

.Container #header {
	padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px; 
	background-color: #DDDDDD;
	background: url('folioheader.jpg') repeat-x top #ffffff

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I'm not sure if you have tried this. Does setting height in the #header do what you need? Or am I not understanding the problem? You should probably put a ; at the end of the background line.

#header {
height: 502px;

Thanks, I tried that but you pointed out the missing ";" which was the problem thanks again : )

I'm not sure if you have tried this. Does setting height in the #header do what you need? Or am I not understanding the problem? You should probably put a ; at the end of the background line.

#header {
height: 502px;
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