Hi frnds...

here i am phasing a small problem...after successful completion of all my queries ,it is not redirecting to back page..plz check this one....

Need Logic

At the bottom of this code i execute 9 sql queries..all are in same manner..If there is any logic in this plz tell me....

foreach ($_FILES["attachments4"]["tmp_name"] as $key => $error) 
    if ($error == UPLOAD_ERR_OK) 

		@$tmp_name0 = $_FILES["attachments4"]["tmp_name"][0];
        @$name0 = $_FILES["attachments4"]["name"][0];
		@$tmp_name1 = $_FILES["attachments4"]["tmp_name"][1];
        @$name1 = $_FILES["attachments4"]["name"][1];
		@$tmp_name2 = $_FILES["attachments4"]["tmp_name"][2];
        @$name2 = $_FILES["attachments4"]["name"][2];
		@$tmp_name3 = $_FILES["attachments4"]["tmp_name"][3];
        @$name3 = $_FILES["attachments4"]["name"][3];
		@$tmp_name4 = $_FILES["attachments4"]["tmp_name"][4];
        @$name4 = $_FILES["attachments4"]["name"][4];
		@$tmp_name5 = $_FILES["attachments4"]["tmp_name"][5];
        @$name5 = $_FILES["attachments4"]["name"][5];
		@$tmp_name6 = $_FILES["attachments4"]["tmp_name"][6];
        @$name6 = $_FILES["attachments4"]["name"][6];
		@$tmp_name7 = $_FILES["attachments4"]["tmp_name"][7];
        @$name7 = $_FILES["attachments4"]["name"][7];
		@$tmp_name8 = $_FILES["attachments4"]["tmp_name"][8];
        @$name8 = $_FILES["attachments4"]["name"][8];
		@$tmp_name9 = $_FILES["attachments4"]["tmp_name"][9];
        @$name9 = $_FILES["attachments4"]["name"][9];
		@move_uploaded_file($tmp_name0, "$title"."/"."$name0");
	    @move_uploaded_file($tmp_name1, "$title"."/"."$name1");
		@move_uploaded_file($tmp_name2, "$title"."/"."$name2");
		@move_uploaded_file($tmp_name3, "$title"."/"."$name3");
		@move_uploaded_file($tmp_name4, "$title"."/"."$name4");
	    @move_uploaded_file($tmp_name5, "$title"."/"."$name5");
		@move_uploaded_file($tmp_name6, "$title"."/"."$name6");
		@move_uploaded_file($tmp_name7, "$title"."/"."$name7");
		@move_uploaded_file($tmp_name8, "$title"."/"."$name8");
		@move_uploaded_file($tmp_name9, "$title"."/"."$name9");
$sql="insert into eventgallery values('','$title','$path')";
mysql_query($sql)or die(mysql_error());

$sql="insert into eventgallery values('','$title','$path')";
mysql_query($sql)or die(mysql_error());

$sql="insert into eventgallery values('','$title','$path')";
mysql_query($sql)or die(mysql_error());

$sql="insert into eventgallery values('','$title','$path')";
mysql_query($sql)or die(mysql_error());

$sql="insert into eventgallery values('','$title','$path')";
mysql_query($sql)or die(mysql_error());

$sql="insert into eventgallery values('','$title','$path')";
mysql_query($sql)or die(mysql_error());

$sql="insert into eventgallery values('','$title','$path')";
mysql_query($sql)or die(mysql_error());

$sql="insert into eventgallery values('','$title','$path')";
mysql_query($sql)or die(mysql_error());

$sql="insert into eventgallery values('','$title','$path')";
mysql_query($sql)or die(mysql_error());
$sql="insert into eventgallery values('','$title','$path')";
mysql_query($sql)or die(mysql_error());
header("Location : uploadimages.php" );

Thanks in advance..

Recommended Answers

All 7 Replies

Due to page cache you got this problem. Remove cache using header() with options.

However, I think javascript way is very handy. You may add javascript at the end of page for the same.

  $sql="insert into eventgallery values('','$title','$path')"; 
  mysql_query($sql)or die(mysql_error());
 <script type="text/javascript">
    open("uploadimages.php" ,"_self");

I have never had a problem with cache and the header function.

I have updated your code by simplifying your code and making it more secure. I hate seeing so many security holes in peoples code.



include '../../includes/dbconnect.php';

$allowed = array( 'jpg','jpeg','png','pdf' );
$maxsize = 50000;

if ( isset( $_POST['title'] ) ) {
	$title = mysql_real_escape_string( $_POST['title'] );
	$files = array();
	foreach( $_FILES['test'] as $name => $parts ) {
		foreach( $parts as $key => $part ) {
			$files[$key][$name] = $part;
	foreach( $files as $file ) {
		if ( is_uploaded_file( $file['tmp_name'] ) ) {
			if ( $file['name'] !== '' && $file['error'] == 0 ) {
				$extn = strrev( substr( strrev( $file['name'] ),0,( strpos( strrev( $file['name'] ),'.' ) ) ) );
				if ( in_array( $extn,$allowed ) ) {
					if ( filesize( $file['tmp_name'] ) <= $maxsize ) {
						$path = "{$title}/" . md5(uniqid(rand(),true)) . ".{$extn}";
						if ( copy( $file['tmp_name'],$path ) ) {
							mysql_query("INSERT INTO `eventgallery` VALUES ('','{$title}','{$path}')") or die('Error: ' . mysql_error());
	header("Location: uploadimages.php");


Make sure you change the allowed extensions.

Don't use javascript for redirection. It can be disabled.

Hi Sir...
I used this one, but no execution...same problem..The page is not redirecting to previous page..

Due to page cache you got this problem. Remove cache using header() with options.

However, I think javascript way is very handy. You may add javascript at the end of page for the same.

  $sql="insert into eventgallery values('','$title','$path')"; 
  mysql_query($sql)or die(mysql_error());
 <script type="text/javascript">
    open("uploadimages.php" ,"_self");

Hello Sir,

Thanks 4 ur response..
I have bee check this code, but no operations is going here.and no output..just page redirecting to previous page,......plz check this once in these lines..

foreach( $_FILES['test'] as $name => $parts ) {

In this what is test field..
Plz be patience to solve this one...

Thanks again...

I have never had a problem with cache and the header function.

I have updated your code by simplifying your code and making it more secure. I hate seeing so many security holes in peoples code.



include '../../includes/dbconnect.php';

$allowed = array( 'jpg','jpeg','png','pdf' );
$maxsize = 50000;

if ( isset( $_POST['title'] ) ) {
	$title = mysql_real_escape_string( $_POST['title'] );
	$files = array();
	foreach( $_FILES['test'] as $name => $parts ) {
		foreach( $parts as $key => $part ) {
			$files[$key][$name] = $part;
	foreach( $files as $file ) {
		if ( is_uploaded_file( $file['tmp_name'] ) ) {
			if ( $file['name'] !== '' && $file['error'] == 0 ) {
				$extn = strrev( substr( strrev( $file['name'] ),0,( strpos( strrev( $file['name'] ),'.' ) ) ) );
				if ( in_array( $extn,$allowed ) ) {
					if ( filesize( $file['tmp_name'] ) <= $maxsize ) {
						$path = "{$title}/" . md5(uniqid(rand(),true)) . ".{$extn}";
						if ( copy( $file['tmp_name'],$path ) ) {
							mysql_query("INSERT INTO `eventgallery` VALUES ('','{$title}','{$path}')") or die('Error: ' . mysql_error());
	header("Location: uploadimages.php");


Make sure you change the allowed extensions.

Don't use javascript for redirection. It can be disabled.

change 'test' to 'attachment4'.

change 'test' to 'attachment4'.

Hello Sir,

I checked, but no execution..no process is going here...sry 4 iritating u...


did you change the allowed file extensions and the max filesize?

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