Social video plays a key role in online advertising

happygeek 6 Tallied Votes 1K Views Share

Research results just published by digital marketing agency Visibility IQ would appear to confirm what the savvy marketeer already knows: social video is an important driver for engagement and purchase behaviour amongst online consumers.

youtube The research, conducted by Entertainment Media Research Ltd, was based upon interviews with more than 2,600 consumers between the ages of 15 and 64. Although the research was conducted within the UK, the results are likely to be mirrored in any markets where broadband provision is good and Internet access widespread.

The key findings of the research are as follows:

78% of UK adults who use the internet watch an online video every week. The most popular being 'personal interest or hobby' genres, which were watched by 54% of users every week. But consumers also watch online video for many other reasons, such as news (48%), music videos (45%) and movie trailers (37%).

When you start to look specifically at interest groups then the viewing incidence really rockets: 32% of users watch videos related to gaming every week, this increases to 48% amongst people who consider themselves to be ‘gamers’.

Online video is most frequently watched by males aged between 15 and 34, with 81% watching videos on a daily basis. Students are next on the list, with 78% consumption, and females between 15 and 24 are third on 73%.

When it comes to the audience reach of brand-related social video, 46% watch these every week. Some 36% also watch product demonstration videos on a weekly basis, and 20% watch general instructional videos. 33% watch TV commercials this way, and 22% branded entertainment video.

There is also little doubt that online social video is driving consumer purchasing, with 96% of those who watch product demonstrations doing so as they were considering a purchase; 57% going on to purchase the item in question. In males between the ages of 15 and 34, this purchase figure rises to seven out of ten. 71% of purchasers following a video view will have done so before, and 40% of males in the 20-34 age group have bought at least 5 items after watching product videos.

The main video discovery platforms are YouTube (67% using site every week), Facebook (56%) and Google (52%).

debasisdas commented: like it +13
hira.syed 0 Newbie Poster

this is very good facts and figures. i was working on a project of "Social media" . And i have Decided to use these findings as well in ma project.

BenBernstein 0 Newbie Poster

Nice article. The question is once people are watching your video, how can you leverage that traffic for leads, sales, etc? At Viewbix, we allow people to embed links and custom made apps into their social (FB and Twitter) video allowing people who see the video to take some sort of marketing action.

margaret224 0 Newbie Poster


WebOutGateway 0 Newbie Poster

For me, Social video is cheaper than TV commercial. Plus, it's easier to produce.

jamyhoste 0 Light Poster

I am agreed as I have notice that I got traffic from social media and video channels also.

feliciawells -2 Newbie Poster

Yes. Really social vido play key role in online advertising.

happygeek commented: yawn +0
SJaved7 0 Junior Poster in Training

Social media sites can paly vital role for driving a traffic on the site.Nowadays Google is considering a lot the existence of your in the social media and how people are giving prefence to your business.

victoria.tran.589 -2 Newbie Poster

The figures are very impressive. Now, Internet is popular and everyone uses it widely.

adamsmith12 9 Light Poster

Yes,I also agree with that post..this is part of video optimization technique..

Member Avatar for LastMitch

When you start to look specifically at interest groups then the viewing incidence really rockets: 32% of users watch videos related to gaming every week, this increases to 48% amongst people who consider themselves to be ‘gamers’.

I agree with that.

RH-Calvin -2 Junior Poster in Training

Yes, Social video helped our Organization to reach large number of customers around the world within less time compared to SEO.

trendykarthick 0 Light Poster

Useful Article. Thanks for delievering this nice informations.

susanjeff 0 Light Poster

yes of course social videos plays an important role in the business

SEOSepcialist 0 Light Poster

Nice Article. Social Media plays a vital role in online adevertising.

Pinaci 0 Light Poster

Nice information, There is obviously a lot. Your points are very valuable and knowledgeable. Thanks for sharing this great article.

sakir_1 0 Newbie Poster

this is very good facts and figures. i was working on a project of "Social media" .

kapildeven89 -1 Light Poster

Nice article and very useful information.

Zapher 0 Newbie Poster

Nice article. you are absolute right.

GrowFastDigital 0 Junior Poster in Training

That would be definitely effective and would be a good approach by using social media or videos to promote the brand

goodtaste 0 Junior Poster

I know some in my niche that are doing very well with video, even being endorsed by brands to conduct video demostrations of products, but I haven't had the time to get into it...those are impressive numbers, though...thank you for sharing!

mayaestat 0 Posting Whiz in Training

I agree with that. because people will belive if they saw the things. video plays most important role in online marketing .

rjdoll99 0 Light Poster

social video play very important role in our life because social media is getting popular in daily life

bhavna123 0 Newbie Poster

Nice Article Davey! Facts and figures are telling that videos on social networks are playing an important role in advertising, promotion and in sale as well.

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