Please, try to help with this. I use case statement but for 2 arguments.
Down here is the idea of what i want to get:

select x case x
when x = 'AB' and y like 'CD%' then x= 'CD'
when x = 'ZZ' and y like 'CC%' then x= 'BA'
when x in ('bbb','sss','ddg') then x= 'BB'

I ll be grateful if anyone would help write right querry.
Thank in advance

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hi marcel1,
below select with case clause is standard SQL1999. Maybe it works also on MS SQL Server.

     WHEN x = 'AB' and y like 'CD%' then 'CD'
     WHEN 'ZZ' and y like 'CC%' then 'BA'
     WHEN x in ('bbb','sss','ddg') then 'BB' 
     ELSE 'unknown thing'
) AS xx
FROM yourtable where ... ;
This will produce a list with two columns, for example
x         xx
AB       CD
sss       BB
wow     unknown thing

You can also omit the first attribute x from the select, if you don't need original x values.
Like x, y must also be attribute of yourTable.

Maybe this will help you.


That works just fine.

I want to thank tesu as well. This helped me out a lot!

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