I would like to update 2 fields values from one record to a set of records in the same table:

I tryed this:

UPDATE dd SET dd.comment = y.comment, dd.author = y. author
(SELECT * FROM Table1 WHERE Idx=1234) y
ON dd.vin = y.vin
WHERE dd.vin like '%WLS%'

vin and idx fields are unique keys
My desire is to have the fields comment and author updated from the record which has idx=1234 to all the records whic contain in field vin 'WLS' string.
thanks in advance

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UPDATE Table1 
SET comment = isnull((select comment FROM Table1 y WHERE y.Idx=1234 and table1.vin = y.vin),comment),
author = isnull((select author FROM Table1 y WHERE y.Idx=1234 and table1.vin = y.vin), author)
WHERE vin like '%WLS%'

Check the logic, test. Close thread if this solves it.

UPDATE Table1 
SET comment = isnull((select comment FROM Table1 y WHERE y.Idx=1234 and table1.vin = y.vin),comment),
author = isnull((select author FROM Table1 y WHERE y.Idx=1234 and table1.vin = y.vin), author)
WHERE vin like '%WLS%'

Check the logic, test. Close thread if this solves it.

Very nice solution!!!

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