unable to return value from following function due to if - else  block within function..*/
mat operator + (mat &m1,mat &m2) //mat is a class for matrix object
    int r1=m1.getrow(); //getrow returns number of rows in matrix
    int r2=m2.getrow();
    int c1=m1.getcol();  //getcol returns number of columns in matrix
    int c2=m2.getcol();
        cout<<endl<<"Addition not possible.";

        mat m3(r1,c1);
        for(int i=0;i<r1;i++)
            for(int j=0;j<c1;j++)


My suggestion is that you return a reference to a matrix so you can do m1 + m2 + m3 etc etc.

Just add a & after mat in the function header.

As for your problem. this should be treated as an error whenever it called in my opinion, so I would assert that.

instead of the if statement:

this requires #include <cassert>

If you don't want this treated as an error, what behavior do you desire for the addition of two matrices with unequal dimensions?

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