I'm not sure what to do exactly. I get some errors that say that displayBoard is declared as an integer yet, I have it declared as void. I'm not sure where these are coming from and they are impeding me from continuing with my work. I would appreciate any pointers as to what to do.
Thank you.

using namespace std;
const int ROWS= 4;
const int COLS= 4;
void displayBoard (int [][COLS], int size, int [][COLS], int size2); //displays the current situation of the board
void shuffleBoard (int arry[][COLS], int arry[][COLS]); //shuffles the cards at the beginning of the game. 
int Random(); //generates a random number between 1 and 8
void swap(int& v1, int& v2); //swaps two values

int main ( )
    bool winner;
    int Board[ROWS][COLS] = {{ 1, 1, 2, 2}, //initializing the board
                      {3, 3, 4, 4},
                      {5, 5, 6, 6},
                      {7, 7, 8, 8}};
    int Reveal[ROWS][COLS] = {{ 0, 0, 0, 0}, //the board that determines whether or not card has been selected or revealed
                      {0, 0, 0, 0},
                      {0, 0, 0, 0},
                      {0, 0, 0, 0}};
    int coordinate1, coordinate2;
    cout << "This is a memory matching game" << endl;
    cout << "There are 16 cards and 8 pairs" << endl;
    cout << "Pick a coordinate to reveal the card and then another to try and match it" << endl;
    while (!winner)
    displayBoard(Board, ROWS, Reveal, ROWS); //not done yet
    cin >> coordinate1 >> coordinate2;
    if (winner)
       cout << "You finished the game";
    return 0;

void displayBoard (Board[][], ROWS, Reveal[][], ROWS) //this is where the problem lies
     const int SIZE = 16; //size of the board
     int x = 0, y = 0;
     for (int i = 0, i <= 16, i++)
         if (Reveal[x][y] == 1)
            cout << Board[x][y];
            cout << "*";

void shuffleBoard(Board[][4])
     int v1, v2, j1, j2;
     const int TIMES = 16; //times to shuffle
     for (int i = 0, i < TIMES, i++)
         v1 = Random();
         v2 = Random();
         j1 = Random();
         j2 = Random();
         swap(Board[v1][j1], Board[v2][j2])
int Random()
    int x;
    srand (time(NULL)); //gets a new seed based on the time
    int const M = 1, N = 8;
    x = (M+(rand()%(N-M+1)));
    return x;

void swap (int& v1, int& v2)
     int temp;
     temp = v1;
     v1 = v2;
     v2 = temp;

Of course, you have a problem with incorrect function header. You must declare parameter list in the header:

void displayBoard (int board[][COLS], int rows, int reveal[][COLS], int whatelse)

Have you ever seen C++ syntax description? Don't mix function call expression with function header!..

Additionally you have erroneous prototype:

void shuffleBoard (int arry[][COLS], int arry[][COLS]);

The arry paremeter name declared twice. I think there is the same error source in that case; misunderstanding of one of the basic language concepts...

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