So explicit parametric polymorphism need not be restricted to a single type parameter. In other words I can write this in C++

template <typename First, typename Second>
struct Pair
{ First f;
Second s;

Can someone help me write a funciton "makePair" that takes two paramters of different types and returns a Pair containing its two values?
Hope someone can help

have a look at the standard header <utility>. it defines std::pair and std::make_pair.

template <typename First, typename Second>
struct Pair 
  First f;
  Second s;
  Pair( const First& ff, const Second& ss ) :  f(ff), s(ss) {}
  // etc

template <typename First, typename Second> inline 
Pair<First,Second>   makePair( const First& f, const Second& s )
{ return   Pair<First,Second>( f, s ) ; }
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