I'm trying to develop a program that takes input from the user (an odd number between 3 and 25) and then uses that to display the magic square for that number. This is what I have so far:

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
const int MAXBOARD = 25;
const bool DEBUG = true;  

void displayHeaders ( );

int getInput ( );
void initializeBoard ( int magic [][MAXBOARD] );
void displayMagic ( int magic[ ][MAXBOARD], int ssize );
void makeMagic (int magic[ ][MAXBOARD], int ssize );
int main()

	int MSsize;
	int magic [MAXBOARD][MAXBOARD];

	displayHeaders ();
	MSsize = getInput();

     initializeBoard (magic);
	makeMagic (magic, MSsize);

	displayMagic (magic, MSsize);
	cout << endl << " " <<  endl<< endl;

    return 0;             

void displayHeaders ( )

	cout <<endl<<endl<< endl<< ""<<endl<< "Program";
	cout << endl <<"Magic Square Generator"<< endl << endl;

int getInput ( )
   int numInput;
    cout << endl<< "Please enter an odd number between 3 and 25! ";
        cin >> numInput;
        if( numInput >= 3 && numInput <= 25 && numInput%2==1)
            return numInput;
            cout<<"Invalid Input! Please try again with an ODD number between 3 and 25: ";

	return numInput;


void initializeBoard ( int magic [][MAXBOARD] )

  if (DEBUG) cout << endl<< endl<<"Into initializeBoard" << endl;

  for ( int row= 0; row < MAXBOARD; row ++)
  	  for (int col= 0; col< MAXBOARD; col ++ )
		  magic[row][col] = 0;

void displayMagic ( int magic[ ][MAXBOARD], int ssize )
     if (DEBUG) cout << endl<< endl<< "In displayMagic, Your Magic Square is:" << endl;

	  for ( int row= 0; row < ssize; row ++)
  	    for (int col= 0; col< ssize; col ++ )
		   cout << "\t" <<  magic[row][col];

        cout << endl;

void makeMagic (int magic[][MAXBOARD], int ssize )
        if (DEBUG)  cout << endl <<"Into makeMagic"<< endl << endl;


The loop works fine, so that much is done, but I just do not understand how to calculate the magic square and then how to print it. I would appreciate any help I can get with understanding how best to write this program. :)

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