So, I'm attempting to write an object oriented program that solves simple sudoku puzzles by checking the rows, columns, and the
3 x 3 grid.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#include "doth.h"
int main()
User file:
	Sudoku call;
	int flag=0,ptx=0,pty=0;
		for(;flag != 1;)
	         if (Puzzle[ptx][pty]==0)
			void Fill_9();
			void Row(int ptx);
			void Column(int pty);
			void Grid(int ptx,int pty);
		if (ptx<9)
		if (ptx==9)
		if (pty==9)

My problem is that when I try to run the program, it tells me that Puzzle is an undeclared identifier, but I declared it publicly within my .h file. What's got me even more confused is when I right click and select "go to declaration" it takes me to the file. What am I doing wrong and how do I fix it?

P.S. Pointing out any other potential Id10t errors would be appreciated.

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You say

if (Puzzle[ptx]...

but you haven't defined Puzzle anywhere!

You say

if (Puzzle[ptx]...

but you haven't defined Puzzle anywhere!

Perhaps I should have stated this earlier. Puzzle is declared in my .h file as

int Puzzle [9][9]

and it gets filled by the constructor function. I tried declaring Puzzle locally and it displays the Puzzle, but it creates problems later resulting in an infinite loop. I'm kinda new to OOP but I thought that if I declare something in the public area I can use it throughout all files in the program.

Is puzzle a member of a class? Or just a global variable that was created in the .h file? Can you post your .h file?

That probably might have helped from the start. Here's the .h file:

class Sudoku
	int remains;
	int flag;
	int Possible[9];
	int Puzzle[9][9];
	void Display();
	void Peek();
	void Fill_9();
	void Update(int ptx, int pty);
	void Row(int ptx);
	void Column(int pty);
	void Grid(int ptx,int pty);

Ok so Puzzle is a public member variable of Sudoku. To access it in main, you have to first create an instance of your Sudoku class

Sudoku MySudoku;

Then you can access the Puzzle variable like this


You mentioned that Puzzle was filled, but that code must be in your Sudoku.cpp file. Also, why call the file doth.h when it is a Sudoku class?

Well it's running now. It's not functioning properly, but it's working. Thanks for helping me out. And as for for the doth.h, I don't really have a good answer for it. I usually just assign things arbitrary names when I start new projects. Thanks again.

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