I'm a beginner at c++ and I have to do a game of tic tac toe and I'm having problems with asking the player to play. Please help.


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

///function prototype
void inttableArray(int [][3], int );
void displayArray (int [][3], int ); 
void inputArrayFunction(int [][3], int ); 
void getMove(int [][3], int );
void getComputerMove(int [][3], int );
char Check(int [][3], int );

int main()
	char end;
	end= ' ';

	int tableOne[3][3]; //array of 3 row and 5 columns

	cout<<"This is the game of Tic Tac Toe.\n";
	cout<<"You will be playing against the computer.\n";

	inttableArray(tableOne, 3);

	displayArray(tableOne, 3);

	getMove(tableOne, 3);

	end = Check(tableOne, 3);

	getComputerMove(tableOne, 3);

	inputArrayFunction(tableOne, 3);

	if(end== ' ');
  if(end=='X') cout<<"You won!";
  else cout<<"I won!!!!";
  displayArray(tableOne, 3); 

	return 1;


void inttableArray(int TempArray[][3], int size )
	int row, column;

	for ( row = 0; row <3; row ++)
		for (column = 0; column < size; column ++)
			TempArray[row][column] = ' ';

void getMove(int TTempArray[][3], int Tsize)
	int x =0;
	int	y=0;
	int n=0;

  cout<<" Please make your move: ";

	  cout<<"Invalid move"<<endl;
	  if(TTempArray[x][y]!= ' ')
		cout<<"Invalid move, try again.\n";
		getMove(TTempArray, 3);
	else TTempArray[x][y] = 'X';




void getComputerMove(int STempArray[][3], int Ssize)
	int x;
	int	y;
	int n;

  cout<<"Player 2"<<endl;
  cout<<" Please make your move: ";

	  cout<<"Invalid move"<<endl;
	  if(n=' ';n<=9);
 	if(STempArray[y][x]!= ' ')
		cout<<"Invalid move, try again.\n";
		getMove(STempArray, 3);
	else STempArray[y][x] = 'Y';

void displayArray (int DTempArray[][3], int Dsize)
	int x=0;
	int y=0;
	for ( x = 0; x < 3; x ++)
		printf(" %c | %c | %c ",DTempArray[x][0],
            DTempArray[x][1], DTempArray [x][2]);
    if(x!=2) printf("\n---|---|---\n");


void inputArrayFunction(int inputArray[][3], int inputsize)
	int a, b;
	int x = 1;


	for ( a = 0 ;a < 3; a++)
		for (b = 0; b < inputsize; b++)
			if ( b == 2 )
				inputArray[a][b] = 10;
				inputArray[a][b] = b;

char Check(int TinputArray[][3], int Tinputsize )
  int i;
  int row;
  int tableOne[3][3];
  for ( row = 0; row <3; row ++)
    if(tableOne[row][0]==tableOne[row][1] &&
       tableOne[row][0]==tableOne[row][2]) return tableOne[row][0];

  for(i=0; i<3; i++) 
    if(tableOne[0][row]==tableOne[1][row] &&
       tableOne[0][row]==tableOne[2][row]) return tableOne[0][row];

  if(tableOne[0][0]==tableOne[1][1] &&
       return tableOne[0][0];

  if(tableOne[0][2]==tableOne[1][1] &&
       return tableOne[0][2];

  return ' ';

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All 4 Replies

I didn't really look at anything accept for the main function. Wouldn't it make sense to have a loop? It looks like your only calling the human to move once, then the computer the move once. Then the game ends... Shouldn't you loop until someone wins or something? And also please be more specific as to what your error is.

It doesn't sound like the problem has anything to do with tic-tac-toe. Can you please make a much, much smaller demonstration of your problem along with input, expected output, and current (incorrect) output.

And as a side note, you shouldn't be using stdio.h or stdlib.h as those aren't standard C++ headers. Use cstdio and cstdlib which are the standard C++ headers.

And as u8sand said, you're only executing things through once. Loop until the game is over, then ask to if the player wants to play again, and if so, re-loop it all.

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