I am having a problem adding a node properly. It does add but it duplicates the Test node I know why it is doing it (I create the Test node in the root as well as in the dataset) but I don’t know how to prevent it. Any suggestions would be welcome as I have never used XML before. Thanks

<?xml version="1.0" ?> 
  <MyTest XMLVersion="1.3" Stamp="7/22/2009 11:55:59 PM">
      <SomeText>Some Text Here</SomeText>  
  </Test>  </OtherNode>

I want it to be (notice only one Test tag)

<?xml version="1.0" ?> 
  <MyTest XMLVersion="1.3" Stamp="7/22/2009 11:55:59 PM">
    <SomeText>Some Text Here</SomeText>  
  < /Test>  </OtherNode>

Here is the code I use to generate it:

string xml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?><MyTest XMLVersion=\"1.3\" Stamp=\"" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "\"><Test></Test><OtherNode></OtherNode></MyTest>";
doc.LoadXml(xml);//start the xml 
GetTestData(); //gets dataset loads it into an XMLDocument called doc
TempNode = doc.SelectSingleNode("//MyTest");//get the 
myNode = m_myTest.SelectSingleNode("//Test");//get the node
myNode = m_MenuOnline.ImportNode(m_MyNode, true);
TempNode.AppendChild(myNode);//add the node


Rather than adding the Temp node from the dataset as a child of the Temp node from doc, you could loop through the children of myNode and add them as children of TempNode.

string xml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?><MyTest XMLVersion=\"1.3\" Stamp=\"" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "\"><Test></Test><OtherNode></OtherNode></MyTest>";
doc.LoadXml(xml);//start the xml 
GetTestData(); //gets dataset loads it into an XMLDocument called doc
TempNode = doc.SelectSingleNode("//MyTest");//get the 
myNode = m_myTest.SelectSingleNode("//Test");//get the node
myNode = m_MenuOnline.ImportNode(m_MyNode, true);
for(XmlNode child in myNode.ChildNodes)
    TempNode.AppendChild(child);//add the node

There's most likely other ways to do this, but it looks like it should solve your problem.

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