Sup guys?
i need help finding tuts and articles on using Jet for manipulating a MS Access database file in VB2008. Everywhere i look, i only see stuff about using SQL server. I just want to code a program to manipulate MS Access Database files.
I found 1 link, it was only helpful with pointing out the basics:
Please help me find more on this if you can. thanks.


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All 9 Replies

What are you trying to do with the database exactly?? Your question is too vague for me to even start to help you.. I have used access databases for many reasons in such as login creation along with many others.. Any ideas??

What are you trying to do with the database exactly?? Your question is too vague for me to even start to help you.. I have used access databases for many reasons in such as login creation along with many others.. Any ideas??

Hey, I am making this Inventory program for Car Parts, a little school project. I want to be able to read from the Access DB file, add, update, delete (I can handle those already) and implement a search function, that's where i'm (currently) stuck.
I would like the search feature to have a Combo Box which will list all the column headings in the database, then a textbox next to it where you type what you're searching for. So like one of the columns will be called Make, when you select that from the combobox, and type, say Honda, a GridView will display all the corresponding records with Honda under the Make column in the database.
In VB6 i made a Phonebook app using a recordset, but in VB.NET, everything seems much different... :|


If you use the SELECT * FROM make WHERE make LIKE '"& honda & "%'"
That should do the trick

If you use the SELECT * FROM make WHERE make LIKE '"& honda & "%'"
That should do the trick

Please do not ever build queries like that. Take a look at this thread:

You should use parameters when constructing queries.

hmm i wonder if there is a specific reason why not using the query style from Pacman21. If so im very interessted into the reason since i always use that style aswell. The link you have posted dont tell me why :$

It is just bad form. If you don't check user input for characters such as ' or " and it escapes the query it will raise an exception in your application. If you use parameters you don't have to worry about it. Also for enterprise systems such as MSSQL the SQL servers cache execution plans and if you build queries dynamically it has to recreate an execution plan for every query.

'Update Table Set aColumn = aValue Where PK = 123'
'Update Table Set aColumn = aValue Where PK = 124'

In those two cases the text between ' has a different checksum so the cache plan cannot be reused even though they are functionally identical based on update and search columns. A well formed query such as:

'Update Table Set aColumn = aValue Where PK = @PK', @PK=123
'Update Table Set aColumn = aValue Where PK = @PK', @PK=124

In this case the text between the '' is identical so the SQL Server can reuse the cached execution plan improving performance. Writing queries this way improves security and execution time.

commented: thx for that information =) +1

Thanks sknake.. I was wondering the same thing.. The next time I have to build a query I will definitely try the way you have stated.. By the way.. Deso how did your project come out??

Ty Snake =)

By the way.. Deso how did your project come out??

heh... good question...

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