i'm trying to insert and element in a list in alphabetical order last name first and then first name here is my code but not working please help

struct node * Inserting(struct node *tp,struct node *fp)
  struct node *last = NULL;
  struct node *old, *start;
  start = fp;

   tp->nextptr = NULL;
   last = tp;
   return tp;
   old = NULL;
    if(strcmp(fp->lastname,tp->lastname) < 0)
     old = fp;
     fp = fp->nextptr;
      if (old)
       old->nextptr = tp;
       tp->nextptr = fp;
       return start;
       tp->nextptr = fp;
       return tp;
    last->nextptr = tp;
    tp->nextptr = NULL;
    last = tp;
    return start;

Code tags added. -Narue

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