Here's my problem. I wx application that works great until I close it (leaving the idle editing session open) and then restart it. Then parts of the program see variables that should be things like 'wx.panel' as PyDeadObj .... Once I restart the idle session and re-run the program it works fine. I've tried reload(wx), I've tried deleting all wx variables from sys.modules ... Any more ideas?

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Are you running this from the Python shell?

Are you running this from the Python shell?

Yes. It works fine as a standalone as well.

Here's my problem. I wx application that works great until I close it (leaving the idle editing session open) and then restart it.

Your real problem is that you're using IDLE.

Your best bet is to switch to a better-featured (not to mention better-designed) IDE and run your scripts directly using python.exe or pythonw.exe

I suggest something like PyScripter or NotePad++ (although with the latter you'll have to do your own personalization to get Python setup and have the ability to syntax check, run scripts, etc.)

I noticed before that if you work in the shell with some IDEs, then you seem to retain old variables. Check the global dictionary in the shell. I would say avoid the shell with any programs larger than 2 lines.

I appreciate both comments. I'll check out pyscripter and I'll look over the globals again. It just seems weird to me that the old variables don't get overwritten at next run.

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