I am trying to write a recursive method to print an increment of a number of asterisks specified.

triangle(5) would print this:


However, the code I wrote seems to do the opposite and I'm not sure how to reverse it although I tried and it gives me endless loop. Any ideas?

public static void triangle(int n){

if(n > 0){
for(int j = 0; j < n; j++)


Hi, you get the wrong result because you have the print out before the recursive call.

if(n > 0) {
      for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {

What happens here is that you do not print anything until you've reach n=0. When n=0, the method will do nothing and return to the last recursive call where n=1. The for-loop will run once, printing 1 star and a line break. Next n=2 and the for loop will print out 2 stars and a line break etc.

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