im making a tool for a gamer to help others but it has 3 forms
1 appear - 2 and 3 are hide they can change but how i do that when 1 form closes all close ? no only form 1 to close cuz if others close they are hide and the program still running but hide.

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Did you try the following?

Dim form1 As New Form

If you don't want to close the form and just hide it, use form1.Hide()

commented: thx bro +1

i dunno i put it in form1 2 and 3 and still nothing T_T

Ok Solved thx zortec

ok is like this

Dim form As New Form

Private Sub Form1_Disposed(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Disposed
End Sub

you need to put that in all the Forms Dispose
or just get this code and copy and paste and where it says
Private Sub Form1_Disposed change it for any form u want
Private Sub Form2_Disposed or Private Sub Form3_Disposed
ir whatever

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