I made this Rock Paper Scissors Game with GUI.
It works fine. But what can I do to make it simpler? Anybody?

import random

class RPC:

    def __init__(self):
        self.comChoice = ''
        self.choices = ['Rock','Paper','Scissors']

    def chooseCom(self):
        self.comChoice = self.choices[random.randint(0,2)]
        return self.comChoice

    def player(self, choice, Com):
        if choice == 'rock' and Com == 'Scissors':
            return ('You won!')
        elif choice == 'paper' and Com == 'Rock':
            return ('You won!')
        elif choice == 'scissors' and Com == 'Paper':
            return('You won!')
        elif choice == 'scissors' and Com == 'Rock':
            return ('You lost!')
        elif choice == 'rock' and Com== 'Paper':
            return('You lost!')
        elif choice == 'paper' and Com == 'Scissors':
            return ('You lost!')
            return ('Tie!')
from tkinter import *
import RPCclass

def ComputerChoice():
    game = RPCclass.RPC()
    c = game.chooseCom()
    return c

def winner(choice, Com):
    game = RPCclass.RPC()
    w = game.player(choice, Com)
    return w

def numWin(self, choice, Com):
    game = RPCclass.RPC()
    a = game.player(choice, Com)
    if a == 'You won!':
        self.numPlayerWin +=1
    elif a == 'You lost!':
        self.numComWin +=1
        self.numPlayerWin += 0
        self.numComWin +=0

    self.message4.config(text = 'Player won ' + \
                          str(self.numPlayerWin) + ' times.')
    self.message5.config(text = 'Computer won ' + \
                          str(self.numComWin) + ' times.')

class GUI: 
    def __init__(self): 
        root = Tk() 
        root.title('Welcome to Rock Paper Scissors')

        self.numComWin = 0
        self.numPlayerWin = 0

        self.label = Label(root, text='"Choose Rock, Paper, or Scissors."', 
        self.label.grid(row=5, columnspan = 3) 


        self.button1 =  Button(root, text='Rock', 
                              padx=10, pady=5, 
        self.button1.grid(row=7, column=0, rowspan=2)

        self.button2 =  Button(root, text='Paper', 
                              padx=10, pady=5, 
        self.button2.grid(row=7, column =1, rowspan =2)

        self.button3 =  Button(root, text='Scissors', 
                              padx=10, pady=5, 
        self.button3.grid(row=7, column =2, rowspan=2)

        self.button4 =  Button(root, text='Reset', 
                              padx=10, pady=5, 
        self.button4.grid(row=12, column =1, rowspan=2)

        self.message1 = Label(root, text='',fg='Black')
        self.message1.grid(row=9, columnspan=3)

        self.message2 = Label(root, text='',fg='Black')
        self.message2.grid(row=10, columnspan=3)

        self.message3 = Label(root, text='',fg='Red', font=('Times',16,'bold'))
        self.message3.grid(row=11, columnspan=3)

        self.message4 = Label(root, text='',fg='black')
        self.message4.grid(row=12, column=0, rowspan=2)

        self.message5 = Label(root, text='',fg='black')
        self.message5.grid(row=12, column=2, rowspan=2)

    def buttonAction1(self):
        choice = 'rock'
        self.message1.config(text= 'You choose Rock.')
        Com = ComputerChoice() 
        self.message2.config(text= 'Computer has chosen %s.' % Com)
        self.message3.config(text = winner(choice, Com))
        numWin(self,choice, Com)
    def buttonAction2(self):
        choice = 'paper'
        self.message1.config(text= 'You choose Paper.')
        Com = ComputerChoice()
        self.message2.config(text= 'Computer has chosen %s.' % Com)
        self.message3.config(text = winner(choice, Com))
        numWin(self,choice, Com)
    def buttonAction3(self):
        choice = 'scissors'
        self.message1.config(text= 'You choose Scissors.')
        Com = ComputerChoice()
        self.message2.config(text= 'Computer has chosen %s.' % Com)
        self.message3.config(text = winner(choice, Com))
        numWin(self,choice, Com)

    def buttonAction4(self):
        self.message1.config(text= '')
        self.message2.config(text= '')
        self.message3.config(text= '')
        self.numComWin = 0
        self.numPlayerWin = 0
        numWin(self,0, 0)
        self.message4.config(text = '')
        self.message5.config(text = '')

Recommended Answers

All 2 Replies

It's personal preference, but I would use a dictionary in the players() function.

def player(self, choice, Com):
        win_d = { 'rock':'Scissors', 'paper':'Rock',
        if choice.lower() == Com.lower():
            return 'Tie!'
        elif win_d[choice] == Com:
            return 'You won!'
            return 'You lost!'

Also, you can create all four buttons with one function, and use one function as the call-back if you pass the button number to that function. Note that this is from memory so if there are problems or you don't understand something, post back.

def __init__(self, root):
        self.root = root
        self.create_button('Rock', 7, 0, 1)
        self.create_button('Paper', 7, 1, 2)
        self.create_button('Scissors', 7, 2, 3)
        self.create_button('Reset', 12, 1, 4)

    def create_button(self, text_in, row_in, col_in, num_in):
        ret_button =  Button(self.root, text=text_in,
                              padx=10, pady=5)
        ret_button.grid(row=row_in, column=col_in, rowspan=2)

        def handler(event, self=self, button_num=num_in):
            return self.cb_handler(event, button_num)
        ret_button.bind("<Button-1>", handler)

    def cb_handler(self, event, button_num):
        button_dict = { 1:'Rock', 2:'Paper', 3:'Scissors' }
        if button_num in button_dict:
            choice = button_dict[button_num]
            self.message1.config(text= 'You choose ' + choice)
            Com = ComputerChoice()
            self.message2.config(text= 'Computer has chosen %s.' % Com)
            choice = choice.lower()
            self.message3.config(text = winner(choice, Com))
            numWin(self,choice, Com)
        else:     ## 4 is the only other button option
            self.message1.config(text= '')
            self.message2.config(text= '')
            self.message3.config(text= '')
            self.numComWin = 0
            self.numPlayerWin = 0
            numWin(self,0, 0)
            self.message4.config(text = '')
            self.message5.config(text = '')

Finally, it you are going to be coding in python you want to read and follow the style guide here http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/ variable names are all lower case with underscores for example.

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