hey guys,
i have a simple code that simply asks the user to input a number a number and than where you press you mouse it draws a circle you can draw as many circles as you have specified in the beginning of the app. well there is also a time running in the bottom that is what i am after. i have the code and im not able to extract that timer all i need is have a simple class that runs just the time lets say a count down from 30 seconds i hope somebody could help me and show me what bits are unnecessary for me.
here is the code

import java.awt.* ;
import java.awt.event.* ;
import javax.swing.* ;

public class CirclesWithTimer2005
   public static void main( String args[ ] )
      MainWindow mainWnd = new MainWindow() ;

class MainWindow extends Frame
   public final static int ONE_SECOND = 1000 ;
   private boolean m_bMouse ;
   private boolean m_bStart ;
   private boolean m_bPing ;
   private int m_nWndWidth ;
   private int m_nWndHeight ;
   private int m_nCirclesToDraw ;
   private int m_nCirclesDrawn ;
   private int m_nSeconds ;
   private Timer m_timer ;
   private Font m_WndFont ;
   private Font m_timeFont ;
   private Rectangle[ ] m_rectCircleArray ;

      setTitle( "Circles with a Timer" ) ;
      m_bMouse = false ;
      m_bStart = true ;
      m_bPing = false ;
      m_nCirclesToDraw = 0 ;
      m_nCirclesDrawn = 0 ;
      m_nSeconds = 0 ;

      m_WndFont = new Font( "Helvetica", Font . PLAIN, 20 ) ;
      m_timeFont = new Font( "Courier", Font . ITALIC, 70 ) ;

      m_rectCircleArray = new Rectangle[ 9 ] ;

      setBackground( Color.pink ) ;

      Toolkit thisScreen = Toolkit . getDefaultToolkit() ;
      Dimension thisScreenSize = thisScreen . getScreenSize() ;
      m_nWndWidth = 2 * thisScreenSize . width / 3 ;
      m_nWndHeight = 2 * thisScreenSize . height / 3 ;
      setSize( m_nWndWidth, m_nWndHeight ) ;

      addKeyListener( new KeyCatcher() ) ;
      addMouseListener( new MouseCatcher() ) ;
      addWindowListener( new WindowCatcher() ) ;

      setVisible( true ) ;

   public void paint( Graphics gc )
      Dimension winSize = getSize() ;

      if ( m_bStart )
         m_timer = new Timer( ONE_SECOND, new TimerCatcher() ) ;
         m_timer . start() ;
         m_bStart = false ;

      gc . setFont( m_WndFont ) ;

      if ( m_bPing )
         gc.setFont( m_timeFont ) ;
         gc . drawString( "" + m_nSeconds, 6*winSize.width/8, 7*winSize.height/8 ) ;
         m_bPing = false ;

      if ( m_nCirclesToDraw == 0 )
         gc . setFont( m_WndFont ) ;
         gc . drawString( "How many circles do you want to draw?: ", 20, 50 ) ;
         gc . drawLine( 0, 60, winSize.width, 60 ) ;
         requestFocus() ;
         gc . setFont( m_WndFont ) ;
         gc . drawString( "Number of circles to draw: " + m_nCirclesToDraw, 20, 50 ) ;
         gc . drawLine( 0, 60, winSize.width, 60 ) ;

      gc . setFont( m_timeFont ) ;

      if ( m_bMouse )
         gc . setColor( Color . blue ) ;

         for ( int i = 0; i < m_nCirclesDrawn; i++ )
            gc . fillOval( m_rectCircleArray[i].x, m_rectCircleArray[i].y,
                        m_rectCircleArray[i].width, m_rectCircleArray[i].height ) ;
   class KeyCatcher extends KeyAdapter
      public void keyPressed( KeyEvent evt )
         int temp = evt . getKeyCode() ;
         if ( m_nCirclesToDraw == 0 )
            if (( temp >= KeyEvent . VK_0 ) && ( temp <= KeyEvent . VK_9 ))
               m_nCirclesToDraw = temp - KeyEvent . VK_0 ;
               repaint() ;

   class MouseCatcher extends MouseAdapter
      public void mousePressed( MouseEvent evt )
         Point ptMouse = new Point() ;
         ptMouse = evt . getPoint() ;
         if ( m_nCirclesDrawn < m_nCirclesToDraw )
                                        = new Rectangle( ptMouse.x, ptMouse.y, 40, 40 ) ;
            m_nCirclesDrawn++ ;
            m_bMouse = true ;
            repaint() ;

         if ( (m_nCirclesDrawn == m_nCirclesToDraw) && (m_nCirclesToDraw != 0) )  
            int option = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog( null, 
                 "Try again?", "Finished", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION ) ;
            if( option == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION )
               m_nCirclesDrawn = 0 ;
               m_nCirclesToDraw = 0 ;
               m_nSeconds = 0 ; 
               m_bStart = true ; 
               m_bPing = false ;
               repaint() ;      
               System.exit(0) ;

   class TimerCatcher implements ActionListener
      public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
         m_nSeconds++ ;
         m_bPing = true ;
         repaint() ;

   class WindowCatcher extends WindowAdapter
      public void windowClosing( WindowEvent evt )
         m_timer . stop() ;
         ( evt . getWindow() ) . dispose() ;
         System . exit( 0 ) ;

Hi friend your post is some what unclear.
If I am right the you want to develop an application that ask how many circles to draw suppose I enter 100 and draw 60 in specific time interval the i will lost the game, at the same time the timer is display on the screen.
I will only draw a circle when timer start and I can not draw the circle after the timer is stop.
If you agree with me then i will find the the application similar to your application at http://www.asciitable.com.
plz clear your post so that we can give you solution.
Have a good day!

hey sorry for not explaining my self fully well all i want from this applications is that it shows me the timer only.
i do not want to draw circles or add any number.
i just want to see timer running on the screen without any other functionality.
i hope this explains my previous post a bit more.

well now its clears me about your problem if you want to ready code for java timer then it available on many source code providing sites.
if you want to make your own then you may use the java thread.
you get control over 1msecond i think it is sufficient for your timer.
Best luck.
Have a Good Day!

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