#include <iostream.h>
#include <conio.h>

int main()

create s;
push (s, '#');

while (not end of infix input)
	ch = get char;
	if (ch is an operand)
		add ch to postfix expression;
	if (ch is a '(')
		push (s, ch);
	if (ch is a ')')
		pop (s);
		while (ch !='('))
			add ch to postfix expression;
			pop (s);

	if (ch is an operator)
		while (!isEmpty(s)&&(precedence(stackTop())>=precedence(ch)))
			pop (s);
			add ch to postfix expression;
		push (s, ch);

while (stackTop() !='#')
	pop (s);
	add ch to postfix expression;

return 0;

What is the problem of the code in converting infix expression to postfix expression?
And also how to apply (2+5)*3 to it?

The "problem" is that it is still pseudo-code.

> if (ch is an operand)
This needs to be turned into real code.

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