I would like to skip the remainder of a function and call another should a statement prove true.

public bool A(int i)
            if (i > 5)
                // Skip the rest of A() and return B()
                return B(i);

            // Do stuff to i

        public bool B(int i)
            // Do stuff to i

Is my only option to have the return value as a bool, even if I don't care what the boolean return value is?

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This is for when not wanting it to return anything. Notice that when returning nothing, it will just exit out of the method.

public void A(int i)
            if (i > 5)
                // Skip the rest of A() and return B()

            // Do stuff to i

        public void B(int i)
            // Do stuff to i

Thank you. :)

Does this have any speed advtanges over returning bool?

Not really. You only want to use bool or anything returned if you will be doing logic on it later.

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