Hi basically I'm current doing a connect 4 program that consist of 3 separate programs Connect4Model, Connect 4 Column and Connect4View... I'm trying to compile and run my connect4View program but for some what reason I'm unable to do so. Below I have supplied the code for the 3 programs. Connect4Model and Connect4Column work perfectly fine.


public class Connect4Model
	private Connect4Column columns[];
	private int NUM_COLUMNS;
	private int NUM_ROWS;
	private int playerToGoNext = Connect4Column.RED_COUNTER;

	public Connect4Model(int numCols, int numRows)
		NUM_COLUMNS = numCols;
		NUM_ROWS = numRows;
		columns = new Connect4Column[NUM_COLUMNS];
		for (int i = 0; i < NUM_COLUMNS; i++)
			columns[i] = new Connect4Column(NUM_ROWS);


	public int getNumCols()
		return NUM_COLUMNS;

	public int getNumRows()
		return NUM_ROWS;

	public int getNextPlayer()
		return playerToGoNext;

	boolean go(int thisColumn)
	        if(thisColumn < 0 || thisColumn >= NUM_COLUMNS)
	            return false;
	        System.out.println("thisCol is " + thisColumn);

	            if(playerToGoNext == Connect4Column.YELLOW_COUNTER)
	                playerToGoNext = Connect4Column.RED_COUNTER;
	                playerToGoNext = Connect4Column.YELLOW_COUNTER;
	            return true;
	            return false;

	public int getCounter(int thisColumn, int thisRow)
		return columns[thisColumn].getCounter(thisRow);

	public int getNumCounters(int thisColumn)
		return columns[thisColumn].getNumCounters();


public class Connect4Column
	private int counters[];
	private int numCounters;
	private int MAX_NUM_COUNTERS;

	static int YELLOW_COUNTER = 1;
	static int RED_COUNTER = 2;

	public Connect4Column(int max_counters)
		MAX_NUM_COUNTERS = max_counters;
		counters = new int[MAX_NUM_COUNTERS];
		numCounters = 0;

	public boolean addCounter(int thisCounter)
		if ((numCounters < MAX_NUM_COUNTERS)&&((thisCounter == 1)||(thisCounter == 2)))
			counters[numCounters] = thisCounter;
			return true;
			return false;

	public int getNumCounters()
		return numCounters;

	public int getCounter(int thisRow)
		if ((thisRow >= 0)&&(thisRow <= numCounters))
			return counters[thisRow];
			return 0;

Connect4View <<< The one that im having problems with

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.geom.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.event.MouseListener;
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;

public class Connect4View extends JFrame
	DrawPanel canvas;
	Connect4Model myConnect4;
	public static void main(String[] args)
		Connect4View w = new Connect4View();

	public Connect4View()
		setTitle("Week3: Connect 4");

		int number_of_columns = 7;
		int max_number_of_beads = 9;
		myConnect4 = new Connect4Model(number_of_columns,max_number_of_beads);

		canvas = new DrawPanel(number_of_columns,max_number_of_beads);

	class DrawPanel extends JPanel implements MouseListener
		public int numCols;
		public int numRows;

		public DrawPanel(int nc, int nr)
			numCols = nc;
			numRows = nr;
		int getCol(int x)
			return x*numCols/getWidth();
		int getRow(int y)
			return y*numRows/getHeight();

		public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent event)
		public void mousePressed(MouseEvent event)
		public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent event)
			int thisCol = getCol(event.getX());
		public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent event)
		public void mouseExited(MouseEvent event)
		Rectangle getRect(int thisCol, int thisRow)
			// if input is out of range, return "null"
			if(thisCol <0 || thisRow < 0)
				return null;
			if(thisCol>=numCols || thisRow>=numRows)
				return null;

			// otherwise, make and return the Rectangle
			int w = getWidth()/numCols;
			int h = getHeight()/numRows;

			int x = thisCol*w;
			int y = thisRow*h;

			Rectangle myRect = new Rectangle(x,y,w,h);
			return myRect;

		public void paint(Graphics g)
			g.fillRect(0,0,getWidth(), getHeight());

			Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)g;
			// we'll use Graphics2D for it's "draw" method -
			// neater than the Graphics "drawRect" suppled
			// (which you could also use)

			for (int i = 0;i<numCols;i++)
				for(int j = 0;j<numRows;j++)

			for (int thisCol = 0; thisCol < numCols; thisCol++)
				int numCounters = myConnect4.getNumCounters(thisCol);
					for (int c = 0; c < numCounters; c++)
						int Rows = numRows - (1 + c);
						Rectangle t = new Rectangle(getRect(thisCol,Rows));
						int color = myConnect4.getCounter(thisCol,c);
						//System.out.println("   "+thisCol+"   "+c+"    "+color);


If there is any possible solutions to this problem that would be most grateful. I'm not necessarily asking for help its just advice as to where I have gone wrong.

what it is saying is that you did not closed all open brackets. In your case you closed your inner class DrawPanel inside Connect4View but never actually closed Connect4View that is encapsulating the inner class. Just add "}" at the end of program and you done.

PS: Any basic IDE would help with this. Just click/highlight opening bracket to see if you have closing one...

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