Im writing the demo for my class to demonstrate each method. The class takes a number and assigns it to a month, or is supposed to. I have it working to say month 1 is January, month 2 is February and so on. I want to user to enter a month and set that to a number, how can I do this? Here is my class and driver:


   Month Class
   Chapter 9, Programming Challenge 6

public class Month
   private int monthNumber;

      The No-arg constructor initializes the object to
      month #1.

   public Month()
      monthNumber = 1;

      @param m The month number to initialize the object to.

   public Month(int m)
      if (m < 1 || m > 12)
         monthNumber = 1;
         monthNumber = m;

      @param name The name of the month to initialize the object to.

   public Month(String name)
      if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("january"))
         monthNumber = 1;
      else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("february"))
         monthNumber = 2;
      else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("march"))
         monthNumber = 3;
      else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("april"))
         monthNumber = 4;
      else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("may"))
         monthNumber = 5;
      else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("june"))
         monthNumber = 6;
      else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("july"))
         monthNumber = 7;
      else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("august"))
         monthNumber = 8;
      else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("september"))
         monthNumber = 9;
      else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("october"))
         monthNumber = 10;
      else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("november"))
         monthNumber = 11;
      else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("december"))
         monthNumber = 12;
         monthNumber = 1;

      The setMonthNumber method sets the month.
      @param m The number of the month.

   public void setMonthNumber(int m)
      if (m < 1 || m > 12)
         monthNumber = 1;
         monthNumber = m;

      The getMonthNumber method gets the month number.
      @return The number of the month.

   public int getMonthNumber()
      return monthNumber;

      The getMonthName method gets the name of the month.
      @return The name of the month.

   public String getMonthName()
      String name;
      switch (monthNumber)
         case 1:  name = "January";
         case 2:  name = "February";
         case 3:  name = "March";
         case 4:  name = "April";
         case 5:  name = "May";
         case 6:  name = "June";
         case 7:  name = "July";
         case 8:  name = "August";
         case 9:  name = "September";
         case 10: name = "October";
         case 11: name = "November";
         case 12: name = "December";
         default: name = "Unknown";
      return name;

      toString method
      @return A reference to a String representation of
              the object.
   public String toString()
      return getMonthName();
      equals method
      @param month2 Another Month object.
      @return true if the two Month objects contain
              the same month, false otherwise.
   public boolean equals(Month month2)
      boolean status;
      if (month2.getMonthNumber() == monthNumber)
         status = true;
         status = false;
      return status;

      greaterThan method
      @param month2 Another Month object.
      @return true if the calling objects is greater
              than the argument, false otherwise.
   public boolean greaterThan(Month month2)
      boolean status;
      if (monthNumber > month2.getMonthNumber())
         status = true;
         status = false;
      return status;
      lessThan method
      @param month2 Another Month object.
      @return true if the calling objects is less
              than the argument, false otherwise.
   public boolean lessThan(Month month2)
      boolean status;
      if (monthNumber < month2.getMonthNumber())
         status = true;
         status = false;
      return status;

Driver so far:

import java.util.Scanner;

public class MonthDemo
   public static void main(String[] args)
      // Use the no-arg constructor.
      Month object1 = new Month();
      System.out.println("Month " + object1.getMonthNumber() +
                         " = " + object1);
	  Month object2 = new Month(2);
	  for (int i = 1; i <= 12; i++)
         System.out.println("Month " + object2.getMonthNumber() +
                         " name is " + object2);
		String mName;
		Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
		Month object5 = new Month("January");
		System.out.println("Enter a month name: ");
		mName = keyboard.nextLine();

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All 3 Replies

The specs are not to use Enum.

i hope if u could c the planets example in java it could b much more helpful for u

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