Hi guys,

Im trying to bring up a new window then the Credits button located in the help menu is clicked.

Im trying to run it as a command. So right now, that code doesnt work unless you comment out the creditsCommand region.

So can anyone point me in the right direction to get a new window displayed with text?

# File: gui_secondGen_v0.02.pyw
# Programmer: A. Smith
# Created: 20100323

# Edited: 20100504
# Time: 10:01

# Notes:
# 1) Working way down page. Class menu, screen, controls.

## ::----:: End Programmer Comments ::----::

## ::----:: Start All Code ::----::
## ::----:: Import Libraries ::----::

    # Python2.x
    from Tkinter import *
except ImportError:
    # Python3.x
    import tkinter as tk

## ::----:: End Import ::----::
## ::----:: GUI Main Code::----::

class controlMenu(Frame):

    def __init__(self, master=None):
        Frame.__init__(self, master, bg='yellow')

        self.grid(row=0, column=0)

    ## ::--:: Define Menu ::--::


    ## ::--:: End Define Menu ::--::

## ::----:: Menu Code ::----::

    def fileMenu(self):
        self.mb = Menubutton(self, text="File", relief=RIDGE, font=("Arial", 10))
        self.mb.grid(row=0, column=0)
        self.mb.menu = Menu(self.mb, tearoff=1)
        self.mb["menu"] = self.mb.menu
        self.optionVar = IntVar()
        self.closeVar = IntVar()
        self.mb.menu.add_checkbutton(label="Options", variable=self.optionVar)
        self.mb.menu.add_command(label="Close", command=self.quit)

    def viewMenu(self):
        self.mb = Menubutton(self, text="View", relief=RIDGE, font=("Arial", 10))
        self.mb.grid(row=0, column=2)
        self.mb.menu = Menu(self.mb, tearoff=1)
        self.mb["menu"] = self.mb.menu
        self.presetColourVar = IntVar()
        self.gridlinesVar = IntVar()
        self.size_normVar = IntVar()
        self.size_oneVar = IntVar()
        self.size_twoVar = IntVar()
        self.size_threeVar = IntVar()
        self.mb.menu.add_checkbutton(label="Colours", variable=self.presetColourVar)
        self.mb.menu.add_checkbutton(label="Grid Lines", variable=self.gridlinesVar)
        self.mb.menu.add_checkbutton(label="Size Norm ", variable=self.size_normVar)
        self.mb.menu.add_checkbutton(label="Size 1 ", variable=self.size_oneVar)
        self.mb.menu.add_checkbutton(label="Size 2 ", variable=self.size_twoVar)
        self.mb.menu.add_checkbutton(label="Size 3 ", variable=self.size_threeVar)

    def helpMenu(self):

        self.mb = Menubutton(self, text="Help", relief=RIDGE, font=("Arial", 10))
        self.mb.grid(row=0, column=1)
        self.mb.menu = Menu(self.mb, tearoff=1)
        self.mb["menu"] = self.mb.menu
        self.helpFileVar = IntVar()
        self.helpWikiVar = IntVar()
        self.creditVar = IntVar()
        self.mb.menu.add_checkbutton(label="Help File", variable=self.helpFileVar)
        self.mb.menu.add_checkbutton(label="Help Wiki", variable=self.helpWikiVar)
        self.mb.menu.add_checkbutton(label="Credits", command=self.creditsCommand)  ##variable=self.helpWikiVar)

class creditsCommand():
        creditWin = Tk()
        creditWin.title("Credit Page")
        self.creditVar = IntVar()
        self.creditWords = Button(text="This is the credits page", font=("Arial", 10))

  #  def creditsCommand(self):
  #      creditWin = Tk()
  #      creditWin.title("Credit Page")
  #      creditWin.geometry('600x400')
  #      #self.creditVar = IntVar()
  #      creditWin.cWords = Button(text="This is the credits page", font=("Arial", 10))
## ::----:: End Menu Code ::----::

## ::----:: Parent Tk Window ::----::

class Program_Window():

    def __init__(self):
        self.root = Tk()
        self.root.title('Major Project - SDD. secondGen_v0.01')
    def menu_Control(self):

    # def (self):
    # def (self):
    # def (self):

## ::----:: End Parent Tk Window ::----::
## ::----:: Run Program ::----::

mw = Program_Window()

## ::----:: End Run Program ::----::
## ::----:: End GUI Window Code::----::

Recommended Answers

All 4 Replies

You mean like this:

# File: gui_secondGen_v0.02.pyw
# Programmer: A. Smith
# Created: 20100323

# Edited: 20100504
# Time: 10:01

# Notes:
# 1) Working way down page. Class menu, screen, controls.

    # Python2.x
    from Tkinter import *
except ImportError:
    # Python3.x
    import tkinter as tk

class controlMenu(Frame):

    def __init__(self, master=None):
        Frame.__init__(self, master, bg='yellow')

        self.grid(row=0, column=0)

        ## ::--:: Define Menu ::--::

## ::----:: Menu Code ::----::
    def fileMenu(self):       
        self.mb = Menubutton(self, text="File", relief=RIDGE, font=("Arial", 10))
        self.mb.grid(row=0, column=0)
        self.mb.menu = Menu(self.mb, tearoff=1)
        self.mb["menu"] = self.mb.menu
        self.optionVar = IntVar()
        self.closeVar = IntVar()
        self.mb.menu.add_checkbutton(label="Options", variable=self.optionVar)
        self.mb.menu.add_command(label="Close", command=self.quit)

    def viewMenu(self):
        self.mb = Menubutton(self, text="View", relief=RIDGE, font=("Arial", 10))
        self.mb.grid(row=0, column=2)
        self.mb.menu = Menu(self.mb, tearoff=1)
        self.mb["menu"] = self.mb.menu
        self.presetColourVar = IntVar()
        self.gridlinesVar = IntVar()
        self.size_normVar = IntVar()
        self.size_oneVar = IntVar()
        self.size_twoVar = IntVar()
        self.size_threeVar = IntVar()
        self.mb.menu.add_checkbutton(label="Colours", variable=self.presetColourVar)
        self.mb.menu.add_checkbutton(label="Grid Lines", variable=self.gridlinesVar)
        self.mb.menu.add_checkbutton(label="Size Norm ", variable=self.size_normVar)
        self.mb.menu.add_checkbutton(label="Size 1 ", variable=self.size_oneVar)
        self.mb.menu.add_checkbutton(label="Size 2 ", variable=self.size_twoVar)
        self.mb.menu.add_checkbutton(label="Size 3 ", variable=self.size_threeVar)

    def helpMenu(self):
        self.mb = Menubutton(self, text="Help", relief=RIDGE, font=("Arial", 10))
        self.mb.grid(row=0, column=1)
        self.mb.menu = Menu(self.mb, tearoff=1)
        self.mb["menu"] = self.mb.menu
        self.helpFileVar = IntVar()
        self.helpWikiVar = IntVar()
        self.creditVar = IntVar()
        self.mb.menu.add_checkbutton(label="Help File", variable=self.helpFileVar)
        self.mb.menu.add_checkbutton(label="Help Wiki", variable=self.helpWikiVar)
        self.mb.menu.add_checkbutton(label="Credits", command=self.creditsCommand)  ##variable=self.helpWikiVar)

##class creditsCommand(self):
##        creditWin = Tk()
##        creditWin.title("Credit Page")
##        creditWin.geometry('600x400')
##        self.creditWords(sticky='nswe')
##        self.creditVar = IntVar()
##        self.creditWords = Button(text="This is the credits page", font=("Arial", 10))

    def creditsCommand(self):
        creditWin.title("Credit Page")
        #self.creditVar = IntVar()
        Button(creditWin,text="This is the credits page", font=("Arial", 10)).pack()

## ::----:: Parent Tk Window ::----::
class Program_Window():
    def __init__(self):
        self.root = Tk()
        self.root.title('Major Project - SDD. secondGen_v0.01')
        print 'initialized'
    def menu_Control(self):
mw = Program_Window()

Yes, exactly that. Thank you tonyjv.

Im sure you've noticed Im still quite a novice at this, so thank you greatly for that.


Would there be a way to make the words appear directly on the new window instead of on a button?

And with the self.root.mainloop() is that needed at the end of each function in the Parent Tk Window class?

Change the Button to Label, if you do not want user to push it for something and use fill and expand:

Label(creditWin,text="This is the credits page", font=("Arial", 10)).pack(fill='both', expand='yes')

No you can be only in one mainloop, which waits and process user input.

Im also trying to put an embedded window into that screen, so it takes up most of the middle. Hopefully I can then use it to load images into it later and move an icon through the image via some control icons on the right hand-side of the screen.

Would you be able to point me to some reference material for something like this?

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