How to write FAT mounter in C++?

plz any one have idea i m just start woking in C++.

 * FAT.cpp
 *  Created on: Jun 22, 2010
 *      Author: Vibrant-Text
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <dos.h>
#include <windows.h>

using namespace std;

static unsigned char buffer[512];

DWORD unusedSectors;
WORD  bytesPerSector, sectorPerCluster, reservedSectorCount;
DWORD firstDataSector, rootCluster, totalClusters;
DWORD startBlock;
BYTE freeClusterCountUpdated;
DWORD CurrentDirStartCluster;
int drive = 1;

//===========================Boot Sector=======================================
BYTE getBootSectorData (void)
struct BS_Structure *bpb; //mapping the buffer onto the structure
struct MBRinfo_Structure *mbr;
struct partitionInfo_Structure *partition;
DWORD dataSectors;

unusedSectors = 0;
bpb = (struct BS_Structure *)buffer;

if(bpb->jumpBoot[0]!=0xE9 && bpb->jumpBoot[0]!=0xEB) //check if it is boot sector
  mbr = (struct MBRinfo_Structure *) buffer;         //if it is not boot sector, it must be MBR

  if(mbr->signature != 0xaa55) return 1;            //if it is not even MBR then it's not FAT32

  partition = (struct partitionInfo_Structure *)(mbr->partitionData);//first partition
  unusedSectors = partition->firstSector; //the unused sectors, hidden to the FAT

 // partition->firstSector;
  //read the bpb sector
  bpb = (struct BS_Structure *)buffer;
  if(bpb->jumpBoot[0]!=0xE9 && bpb->jumpBoot[0]!=0xEB)  return 1;

bytesPerSector      = bpb->bytesPerSector;
sectorPerCluster    = bpb->sectorPerCluster;
reservedSectorCount = bpb->reservedSectorCount;
rootCluster         = bpb->rootCluster;//+ (sector / sectorPerCluster) +1;
firstDataSector     = bpb->hiddenSectors + reservedSectorCount + (bpb->numberofFATs * bpb->FATsize_F32);

dataSectors   = bpb->totalSectors_F32 - bpb->reservedSectorCount - ( bpb->numberofFATs * bpb->FATsize_F32);
totalClusters = dataSectors / sectorPerCluster;
CurrentDirStartCluster = bpb->rootCluster;


//================== Get sector# from cluster================================

unsigned long fatClusterToSector(unsigned long cluster)
     return ((cluster-2) * sectorPerCluster) + firstDataSector;

//======================Cluster Size=========
 unsigned int fatClusterSize(void)
     // return the number of sectors in a disk cluster
     return sectorPerCluster;

//========================First Sector==========================================

DWORD getFirstSector(DWORD clusterNumber)
  return (((clusterNumber - 2) * sectorPerCluster) + firstDataSector);


unsigned char fatGetDirEntry(unsigned short entry)
	 DWORD sector;
     struct rootdir  *de = 0;    // avoid compiler warning by initializing
     struct winentry *we;
     unsigned char haveLongNameEntry;
     unsigned char gotEntry;
     unsigned short b;
     int i,index;
     char *fnbPtr;
     WORD entrycount = 0;

    // read dir data

     sector = fatClusterToSector(CurrentDirStartCluster);

     haveLongNameEntry = 0;
     gotEntry = 0;

     index = 16; // crank it up

     //while(entrycount < entry)
         if(index == 16) // time for next sector ?
             FatFsInfo.devdisk.ReadSector(sector++, 1, SectorBuffer);
             de = (struct rootdir *) SectorBuffer;
             index = 0;

        // check the status of this directory entry slot
         if(de->deName[0] == 0x00)
             // slot is empty and this is the end of directory
             gotEntry = 0;
         else if(de->deName[0] == 0xE5)
             // this is an empty slot
             // do nothing and move to the next one
             // this is a valid and occupied entry
             // is it a part of a long file/dir name?
            if(de->deAttributes == ATTR_LONG_FILENAME)
                 // we have a long name entry
                 // cast this directory entry as a "windows" (LFN: LongFileName) entry
                 we = (struct winentry *) de;

                 b = WIN_ENTRY_CHARS*( (we->weCnt-1) & 0x0f);        // index into string
                 fnbPtr = &FileNameBuffer[b];
                 for (i=0;i<5;i++)   *fnbPtr++ = we->wePart1[i*2];   // copy first part
                 for (i=0;i<6;i++)   *fnbPtr++ = we->wePart2[i*2];   // second part
                 for (i=0;i<2;i++)   *fnbPtr++ = we->wePart3[i*2];   // and third part
                 if (we->weCnt & WIN_LAST) *fnbPtr = 0;              // in case dirnamelength is multiple of 13, add termination
                 if ((we->weCnt & 0x0f) == 1) haveLongNameEntry = 1; // flag that we have a complete long name entry set
                 // we have a short name entry

                 // check if this is the short name entry corresponding
                 // to the end of a multi-part long name entry
                     // a long entry name has been collected
                     if(entrycount == entry)
                         // desired entry has been found, break out
                         gotEntry = 1;
                     // otherwise
                    haveLongNameEntry = 0;  // clear long name flag
                     entrycount++;           // increment entry counter
                     // entry is a short name (8.3 format) without a
                     // corresponding multi-part long name entry
                     fnbPtr = FileNameBuffer;
                     for (i=0;i<8;i++)   *fnbPtr++ = de->deName[i];      // copy name
                    *fnbPtr++ = '.';                                    // insert '.'
                     for (i=0;i<3;i++)   *fnbPtr++ = de->deExtension[i]; // copy extension
                     *fnbPtr = 0;                                        // null-terminate

                     if(entrycount == entry)
                        // desired entry has been found, break out
                         gotEntry = 1;
                     // otherwise
                     entrycount++;           // increment entry counter
// next directory entry
// next index

// we have a file/dir to return
// store file/dir starting cluster (start of data)

    FileInfo.StartCluster = (unsigned long) ((unsigned long)de->clusterNumber_High << 16) + de->firstClusterAddress;
// store file/dir size
// (note: size field for subdirectory entries is always zero)
FileInfo.Size = de->sizeofFile;
// store file/dir attributes
FileInfo.Attr = de->fileAttributes;
// store file/dir creation time
FileInfo.CreateTime = de->createDate[0] | de->createDate[1]<<8;
// store file/dir creation date
FileInfo.CreateTime = de->createDate[0] | de->createDate[1]<<8;

return gotEntry;

i hav also problem to using device.h header file.i am working in eclipse C++

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