i googled on how to create a class dynamicly and i found that code

Date today = new Date();
  String todayMillis = Long.toString(today.getTime());
  String todayClass = "z_" + todayMillis;
  String todaySource = todayClass + ".java";
  public static void main (String args[]){
    MakeTodayClass mtc = new MakeTodayClass();
    if (mtc.compileIt()) {
       System.out.println("Running " + mtc.todayClass + ":\n\n");
       System.out.println(mtc.todaySource + " is bad.");

  public void createIt() {
    try {
      FileWriter aWriter = new FileWriter(todaySource, true);
      aWriter.write("public class "+ todayClass + "{");
      aWriter.write(" public void doit() {");
      aWriter.write(" System.out.println(\""+todayMillis+"\");");
      aWriter.write(" }}\n");
    catch(Exception e){
  public boolean compileIt() {
    String [] source = { new String(todaySource)};
    ByteArrayOutputStream baos= new ByteArrayOutputStream();

    new sun.tools.javac.Main(baos,source[0]).compile(source);
    // if using JDK >= 1.3 then use
    //   public static int com.sun.tools.javac.Main.compile(source);    
    return (baos.toString().indexOf("error")==-1);
  public void runIt() {
    try {
      Class params[] = {};
      Object paramsObj[] = {};
      Class thisClass = Class.forName(todayClass);
      Object iClass = thisClass.newInstance();
      Method thisMethod = thisClass.getDeclaredMethod("doit", params);
      thisMethod.invoke(iClass, paramsObj);
    catch (Exception e) {

but the problem was in that line of code

new sun.tools.javac.Main(baos,source[0]).compile(source);
    // if using JDK >= 1.3 then use
    //   public static int com.sun.tools.javac.Main.compile(source);

there is always a compile time error and there is no reason said by the netbeans except that is an illegal start expression OR create a class com

so please help as i need to generate a class on the fly according to the user input urgently

thanks for you help

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All 3 Replies

As per this article, this feature is undocumented and deprecated. If you still want to use it, the article presents presumably correct usage of the class.

If you are using Java 6+, I'd recommend using the new compiler API which doesn't tie you down to a specific implementation (i.e. Sun JVM). More details in this article.

thanks man i made it , but there is another problem is that i am using google app engine server which doesn't use files writing or reading so the problem here is how to write to a file and make it .java on google app engine server

It seems that there is a way using which you can compile a Java code represented as a String object as mentioned here. Have you tried that?

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