Okay so this has been bugging me for quite sometime. I thought if I skipped it and came back maybe I might figure it out but I guess not. The basic idea is to let the user generate their own content into a list box, text box, and the content still be there the next time the user opens the program. Like, say I want to make an archive. I give the user an option to create a name for whatever they are storing and store that to a list box, then store whatever they put into the rich text box gets stored for call by the name in the list box. For example with quite incorrect pseudo code:

void buttonSubmit()
this.listBox1.Items.AddRange(new object[] {nameTextBox.Text});

if (mainTextBox.Text = "")
MessageBox.Show("Please put something into the text box for us to store with the name you gave.");

storageBox.Text = mainTextBox.Text;

void listBoxCalls() // This is the selected index event for example.
if (listeBox.SelectedIndex = 0)
nameLabel.Text = listBox.IndexName; // I know this is not proper but it's pseudo :D
mainTextBox.Text = storageBox.Text;

Something of that nature. I have no idea how I would really do this, so can someone help me please?

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