
i have a Csv file,i would like to read ,convert it and than represent it with Datagrid

the fonction who read my csv

public List<String[]> Parse_CSV(String File_Path)
            List<string[]> Parse_Data = new List<string[]>();
                using (StreamReader Read_File = new StreamReader(File_Path))
                    string Line;
                    string[] Row;

                    while ((Line = Read_File.ReadLine()) != null)
                        Row = Line.Split(',');


            catch (Exception e) 

                MessageBox.Show( e.Message);

            return Parse_Data;

i join a example of my Csv file

thx in advance

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use this method
String[] rows = File.ReadAllLines("filelocation");
you will get rows in array

Ok thx, and shoud i make to represent the Rows and line with Datagrid???

Yes you'll get the rows in array you split it by "," and add the rows in datagridview!!

File.ReadAllLines("filelocation");???? you mean File.ReadToEnd("filelocation");???? i haave never fund your File.ReadAllLines

take a look at this link.. Use namespace Using.System.IO;

But in my case File ist a StreamReader,and don´t acces to this methode ReadAllLines.
report to my code,

string[] Row = Read_File.ReadAllLines(File_Path);

check it my compiler give a fehler back

Ok it is good,that was my mistake thank you....it is possible

have you got it??

No i still have problem with the representation on a Datagrid,may be you can help me

This is code I use in one of my programs:

// read CSV file from LIMS and make a Datatable Object 
        public DataTable BuildDataTable(string fileFullPath, char seperator)
            const int EOF = -1;

            DataTable myTable = new DataTable("MyTable");
            DataRow myRow;
            StreamReader myReader;
            string Title;
                myReader = new StreamReader(fileFullPath);
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("Fout bij openen bestand: " + ex.Message);
                return new DataTable("Empty");
            // Open file and read first line to determine how many fields there are.
                string[] fieldValues = myReader.ReadLine().Split(new Char[] { seperator, '\t' }); //skip title
                Title = fieldValues[0];
                fieldValues = myReader.ReadLine().Split(new Char[] { seperator, '\t' });
                // Adding the first line of data to data table (columnnames)
                // Create data columns accordingly
                for (int i = 0; i < fieldValues.Length; i++)
                    if (i==0) myTable.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Code"));
                    else  if (i==1) myTable.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Datum"));
                        myTable.Columns.Add(new DataColumn(fieldValues[i].ToString().Trim()));
                //Now reading the rest of the data to data table
                while (myReader.Peek() != EOF)
                    fieldValues = myReader.ReadLine().Split(new Char[] { seperator });
                    myRow = myTable.NewRow();
                    for (int i = 0; i < fieldValues.Length; i++)
                        myRow[i] = fieldValues[i].ToString().Trim();
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("Error building datatable: " + ex.Message);
                return new DataTable("Empty");
                if (myReader != null)
            if (myReader != null)
            return myTable;

Once you have a DataTable use:
MyDataGridView.DataSource = MyDataTable;

hey ddanbe,
i modify your code an aplain it in the file i have joined in my Thread,but it never run,i got a Exception(Erro Building Datatable:a Row '0' is already be in this Datatable.)
Can you help me please????


In my CSV file I had a title, which I don't need in the DGV in this case. Try to remmove Line 22,23 of my code. Hope it helps.

i made it but without Succes, but i still looking for another Solution

Thx ddanbe

What do do you mean by: "I made it but without success" ?
My code was meant for the situation I had to handle, think you can adapt it to yours.

Hey Ddanbe ,th way i try to explain ist that,in my Datagid,my rows don´t contain any values,i have only values in Colums,and in Rows Nothing.that is the way i modify your code,just loók please and tell me what i made wrong,thx in advance

public DataTable BuildDataTable(string fileFullPath, char seperator)   
        {  const int EOF = -1;
            DataTable myTable = new DataTable("MyTable");            
            DataRow myRow;            
            StreamReader myReader = new StreamReader(fileFullPath);            
            string Set_Data = myReader.ReadLine();  
            int  Set_len =  Set_Data.Length;
               myReader = new StreamReader(fileFullPath);            
            catch (Exception ex)            
                MessageBox.Show("Fout bij openen bestand: " + ex.Message);              
                return new DataTable("Empty");          
                // Open file and read first line to determine how many fields there are.            
                string[] fieldValues =  new string [Set_len];//myReader.ReadLine().Split(new Char[] { seperator, '\t' }); 
                //skip title               
               // Title = fieldValues[2];               
                fieldValues = myReader.ReadLine().Split(new Char[] { seperator, '\t' });                
                // Adding the first line of data to data table (columnnames)                
                // Create data columns accordingly                
                for (int i = 0; i < fieldValues.Length; i++)               
                    //if (i==0) myTable.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Code"));                   
                     //if (i==1) myTable.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Datum"));                  
                     myTable.Columns.Add(new DataColumn(fieldValues[i].ToString().Trim()));              
                //Now reading the rest of the data to data table               
                while (myReader.Peek() != EOF)               
                    fieldValues = myReader.ReadLine().Split(new Char[] { seperator });                  
                    myRow = myTable.NewRow();                    
                    for (int i = 0; i < fieldValues.Length; i++)                   
                        myRow[i] = fieldValues[i].ToString().Trim();
            catch (Exception ex)           
                MessageBox.Show("Error building datatable: " + ex.Message);               
                return new DataTable("Empty");           
                if (myReader != null)               
            if (myReader != null)          
            dataGridView1.DataSource = myTable;
            return myTable;       

i have only values in Colums,and in Rows Nothing

Could you give an example of your CSV file?
Also, my method returns a DataTable, so line 64 should happen outside the method.

in my thread was an example von my csv file als joined thx

OK, this is what I came up with, hope it helps.
Started a forms app, dropped in a datagridview and a button.
Here is the code and a screenshot:

namespace WindowsFormsApplication1
    public partial class Form1 : Form
        public Form1()

        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

        public void ProcesFile() // use this code in a button or menu or both
            DataTable DT;
            OpenFileDialog openFileDialog1 = new OpenFileDialog();

            openFileDialog1.InitialDirectory = "c:\\";
            openFileDialog1.Filter = "txt files (*.txt)|*.txt|All files (*.*)|*.*";
            openFileDialog1.FilterIndex = 2;
            openFileDialog1.RestoreDirectory = true;

            if (openFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                DT = BuildDataTable(openFileDialog1.FileName,'\t');
                this.dataGridView1.DataSource = DT;

         public DataTable BuildDataTable(string fileFullPath, char seperator)        
             const int EOF = -1;             
             DataTable myTable = new DataTable("MyTable");            
             DataRow myRow;            
             StreamReader myReader;            
                 myReader = new StreamReader(fileFullPath);            
             catch (Exception ex)            
                 MessageBox.Show("Fehler beim ofnen: " + ex.Message);   // :o)             
                 return new DataTable("Empty");            
                 // Open file and read first line to determine how many fields there are.            
                 string[] fieldValues = myReader.ReadLine().Split(new Char[] { seperator });                
                 // Adding the first line of data to data table (columnnames)                
                 // Create data columns accordingly                
                 for (int i = 0; i < fieldValues.Length; i++)                
                    myTable.Columns.Add(new DataColumn(fieldValues[i].ToString().Trim()));  
                 //Now reading the rest of the data to the data table                
                 while (myReader.Peek() != EOF)                
                     fieldValues = myReader.ReadLine().Split(new Char[] { seperator });          
                     myRow = myTable.NewRow();                    
                     for (int i = 0; i < fieldValues.Length; i++)  //fill a row with values                  
                         myRow[i] = fieldValues[i].ToString().Trim();                    
             catch (Exception ex)
                 MessageBox.Show("Error building datatable: " + ex.Message);
                 return new DataTable("Empty");
                 if (myReader != null)
             if (myReader != null)
             return myTable;

Happy computing!

Danke sehr Ddanbe it´s runing

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