Hello All

I'm having a hard time trying to get pass this annoying error... the cool thing about this is that the user gets to see the error, and when i go to my dev environment everything works just fine.. Here is my code:

If ColaI.Recordset.RecordCount > 0 Then
   Dim Resp, Monto, Act, Var1, Var2, Var3, Var4, Var5, Var6, Var7, Var8, Var9, Var10
   Resp = MsgBox("Esta Seguro de Querer Actualizar Cola de Impresión ?", vbOKCancel, "Actualización de Cola")
   If Resp = vbCancel Then
      Exit Sub
   End If
   Sql2 = "Select Tci_Statu, Tci_Serie, Tci_Nbcia, Cc_Descr, tci_destn, Cad_Descr, tci_Tgast, Ctg_Descr, Tci_Valor, Tci_Ndsap, tci_supli, tci_ccost, tci_npsap, Tci_Fecha From T_Cola_Impresion left outer join  C_Tipos_Gastos on T_Cola_Impresion.Tci_Tgast  = C_Tipos_Gastos.Ctg_Codig left outer join  C_Companias on T_Cola_Impresion.Tci_Nbcia = C_Companias.Cc_Codig left outer join C_Agentes_Aduanas on T_Cola_Impresion.Tci_Destn = C_Agentes_Aduanas.Cad_Codig where Tci_Statu <> 0"
   ColaI.RecordSource = Sql2
   Sql3 = "Select sum(Tci_Valor) as Monto From T_Cola_Impresion left outer join  C_Tipos_Gastos on T_Cola_Impresion.Tci_Tgast  = C_Tipos_Gastos.Ctg_Codig left outer join  C_Companias on T_Cola_Impresion.Tci_Nbcia = C_Companias.Cc_Codig left outer join C_Agentes_Aduanas on T_Cola_Impresion.Tci_Destn = C_Agentes_Aduanas.Cad_Codig where Tci_Statu <> 0"
   Suma.RecordSource = Sql3
  If ColaI.Recordset.RecordCount > 0 Then
     'Set dbs = OpenDatabase("t:\aduana\aduana.mdb")
     'Set rst = dbs.OpenRecordset("select sum(tci_valor) as [Monto] from T_Cola_Impresion where Tci_Statu")
     '' Actualizando Tabla de Secuencias de Solicitudes a Contabilidad
     Cia = ColaI.Recordset!tci_Nbcia
     Cover.Recordset!Tss_Nbcia = Cia
     Cover.Recordset!Tss_Monto = Suma.Recordset!Monto
     Cover.Recordset!Tss_Fecha = Date
     Serie = Cover.Recordset!Tss_Serie
     Report.ReportFileName = "v:\aduansql\srepslcaj.rpt"
     Report.SelectionFormula = "({T_Sec_Solicitudes.Tss_Serie} = " & Serie & ")"
     Report.Action = 1
     Act = "N"
     While Act = "N"
        Var1 = ColaI.Recordset!Tci_Serie
        Var2 = ColaI.Recordset!tci_Nbcia
        Var3 = ColaI.Recordset!tci_destn
        Var4 = ColaI.Recordset!tci_valor
        Var5 = ColaI.Recordset!tci_Tgast
        Var6 = ColaI.Recordset!tci_Fecha
        Var7 = ColaI.Recordset!tci_npsap
        Var8 = ColaI.Recordset!tci_ndsap
        Var9 = ColaI.Recordset!tci_supli
        Var10 = ColaI.Recordset!tci_ccost
        Sql3 = "SELECT * FROM T_Asig_Gastos where Ag_Ncia = '" & Var2 & "' and Ag_Serie = " & Var1 & ""
        Asig_Gastos.RecordSource = Sql3
        If Asig_Gastos.Recordset.RecordCount > 0 Then
           Asig_Gastos.Recordset!Ag_Pgsol = True
        End If
        Hcola.Recordset!Hci_serie = Var1
        Hcola.Recordset!Hci_nbcia = Var2
        Hcola.Recordset!Hci_destn = Var3
        Hcola.Recordset!Hci_valor = Var4
        Hcola.Recordset!Hci_tgast = Var5
        Hcola.Recordset!Hci_fecha = Var6
        Hcola.Recordset!Hci_npsap = Var7
        Hcola.Recordset!Hci_ndsap = Var8
        Hcola.Recordset!Hci_supli = Var9
        Hcola.Recordset!Hci_ccost = Var10
        Hcola.Recordset!Hci_Fchsl = Date
        On Error GoTo Mensaje
        Sql4 = "SELECT * FROM T_Cola_Impresion where Tci_Nbcia = '" & Var2 & "' and Tci_Serie = " & Var1 & ""
        Tcola.RecordSource = Sql4
        If Tcola.Recordset.RecordCount > 0 Then
        End If
        If ColaI.Recordset.EOF Then
           Act = "Y"
        End If
     'MsgBox "Proceso Exitosamente Concluído", vbExclamation, "Good For You !"
  End If
  Sql2 = "Select Tci_Statu, Tci_Serie, Cc_Descr, Cad_Descr, Ctg_Descr, Tci_Valor, Tci_Ndsap From T_Cola_Impresion left outer join  C_Tipos_Gastos on T_Cola_Impresion.Tci_Tgast  = C_Tipos_Gastos.Ctg_Codig left outer join  C_Companias on T_Cola_Impresion.Tci_Nbcia = C_Companias.Cc_Codig left outer join C_Agentes_Aduanas on T_Cola_Impresion.Tci_Destn = C_Agentes_Aduanas.Cad_Codig order by Cc_Descr, Tci_Serie"
  ColaI.RecordSource = Sql2
  Exit Sub
  MsgBox "Duplicación de Registro no se Puede Actualizar el Histórico, Favor de Corregir", vbCritical, "Mensaje de Error !"
  Exit Sub
End If

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All 2 Replies

I can't understand anything from your code, but to know more about that runtime error read the following;

THe ErRor Claims, "Object doesn't support this property or method".

We seem to have a 1:97 chance of guessing what line the error occurs on, which is difficult at best. The cool thing is if you supply enough details, we can certainly help.

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