I need the code for fingerprint capturing using vb6 and also which control do i use in achieving it.

Punita_2 commented: Please share the code with me. +0

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Sorry, ours is not a free code supply service. We do not do that.

You can use Digital Persona Fprint reader and One touch SDK

here's the sample code.

Option Explicit

Private Sub Close_Click()
 Unload Me
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Activate()
 ' Set properties to DPFPEnrollment object.
 On Error Resume Next
 EnrollmentDialog.DPFPEnrollmentControl1.MaxEnrollFingerCount = MainForm.MaxCount
 If Err.Number <> 0 Then
    MsgBox "Wrong parameter MaxEnrollFingerCount: " + Err.Description
    MainForm.MaxCount = 10
    Unload Me
    EnrollmentDialog.DPFPEnrollmentControl1.EnrolledFingersMask = MainForm.Mask
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then
       MsgBox "Wrong parameter EnrolledFingersMask: " + Err.Description
       MainForm.Mask = 0
       Unload Me
    End If
 End If
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
 ' Show new fingerprint mask.
 MainForm.Mask = EnrollmentDialog.DPFPEnrollmentControl1.EnrolledFingersMask
 If EnrollmentDialog.DPFPEnrollmentControl1.EnrolledFingersMask > 0 Then
  MainForm.Verify.Enabled = True
  MainForm.Verify.Enabled = False
 End If
End Sub

Private Sub DPFPEnrollmentControl1_OnEnroll(ByVal Mask As Long, ByVal Templ As Object, ByVal Stat As Object)
   If MainForm.Failure.Value = True Then
    ' Emulate failure of enrollment operation.
    Stat.Status = EventHandlerStatusFailure
    ' Enrollment succeeded, so store the template.
    MainForm.SetTemplate Mask, Templ
   End If
End Sub

Private Sub DPFPEnrollmentControl1_OnDelete(ByVal Mask As Long, ByVal Stat As Object)
   If MainForm.Failure.Value = True Then
    ' Emulate failure of deletion operation.
    Stat.Status = EventHandlerStatusFailure
    ' Deletion succeeded, so remove the template from storage.
    MainForm.SetTemplate Mask, Nothing
   End If
End Sub

Show some effort

System Requirements : Visual Basic 6.0
URU Digital Persona SDK
Device Requirements : URU Digital Personal Finger Print Scanner

Dear Friend,
I have a running application of the Fingerprint Reading.
I have implemented this utility for attendance system in my various projects.
Uplocding the code of each and every form and module is not possible here in one stroke.
So i am justing giving advice to you,
you use the any Fingerprint Scanner device with SDK.
you need to customize some line of code as per your requirements.

commented: Hi Sir, could u please share the code of how to connect fingerprint scanner to vb6.0 . +0

Im also looking for a project to scan, save retrieve and compare. If any one has please email me absolaris@gmail.com. Thank you

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