when you want to decript a program's protocol how do you do it?
you use an packet listener(eg. WireShark) and try to figure out what each packet means?
is this the only solution? cuz it seems to me like a lot of hard work, is there anything to make this thing easier?

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I think what you are asking is how to reverse engineer the protocol.

Yes, reverse engineering is usually difficult.

One approach is to make the program do known things and watch the data. Repeat the operation and see what changes and what doesn't. Then do something slightly different and see what changes. You will gradually figure out the structure of the data by comparing the data packets to your input. You can gradually narrow down the layout of the packets.

>> I think what you are asking is how to reverse engineer the protocol.
yea that was it, sorry, my English kinda sucks...
thx for your answer

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