Having issues creating table using chain hashing (linked nodes).

The program compiles, but is crashing during execution.
I admit I don't really know what I'm doing since I havent really used inked lists in forever. A lot of this code I do not expect to work right away, such as the remove method, what I have written is a quick run-down of what I am actually expecting the code to do. Another set of eyes on this could really help. I just want to get this working so I have a firmer understanding of manipulating linked lists in time for exams after thanksgiving break.

Im listing the code here, but for convenience I am attaching the source as well.
Well I cant attach the .template files, but the headers are there.

****** table2.template, this is problem file

namespace main_savitch_12B

    template <class RecordType>
    const std::size_t table<RecordType>::TABLE_SIZE; 

	template <class RecordType>
	table<RecordType>::table( )
	    std::size_t i;
		total_records = 0;
		for (i = 0; i < TABLE_SIZE; ++i)
			 //set all pointers to NULL
			data[i] = NULL;

	template <class RecordType>
	table<RecordType>::table(const table& source)
		main_savitch_6B::node<RecordType> *tail_ptr;
		std::size_t i;
		for (i = 0; i < TABLE_SIZE; ++i)
			list_copy(source.data[i], data[i], tail_ptr);
		total_records = source.total_records;

	template <class RecordType>
		std::size_t i;
		for (i = 0; i < TABLE_SIZE; ++i)
			//use list_clear  to empty all of the nodes in every element of data
			total_records = 0;

	template <class RecordType>
	void table<RecordType>::insert(const RecordType& entry)
		assert(entry.key >= 0);
		main_savitch_6B::node<RecordType> *cursor;
		std::size_t hash_value = hash(entry.key);
		cursor = data[hash_value];

		if (cursor->link() == NULL)
	  else // start traversing the nodes at data[hash_value] for a NULL cursor
			while (cursor->link() != NULL)
				cursor = cursor->link();
			// have arrived at a node that does not have a link to another, set data here.

	template <class RecordType>
	void table<RecordType>::remove(int key)
		assert(key >= 0);
		main_savitch_6B::node<RecordType> *cursor;
		main_savitch_6B::node<RecordType> *precursor;
		std::size_t hash_value = hash(key);
		cursor = data[hash_value];
		if(cursor == NULL)
			return; 		//There is no record (node) with that key, do nothing
			if (cursor->link() == NULL)
				while (cursor->data().key != key)
					precursor = cursor;
					cursor = cursor->link();
				if(cursor->link() == NULL)
					cursor = NULL;
					//we are removing from the inside of the linked list
			} //end else
		} //end else  

	template <class RecordType>
	void table<RecordType>::operator =(const table& source)
		if( this != &source)
			data = source.data;
			total_records = source.total_records;
		return *this;

	template <class RecordType>
	void table<RecordType>::find(int key, bool& found, RecordType& result) const
		assert(key >= 0);
		main_savitch_6B::node<RecordType> *cursor;
		std::size_t hash_value;
		hash_value = hash(key);
		cursor = data[hash_value];
		while ( cursor->link() != NULL && cursor->data().key  != key)
			cursor = cursor->link();
			if( cursor->data().key == key)
				found = true;
				result = cursor->data(); 
		found = false;

	template <class RecordType>
	bool table<RecordType>::is_present(int key) const
		assert(key >= 0); 
		bool found;
		main_savitch_6B::node<RecordType> *cursor;
		std::size_t hash_value;
		hash_value = hash(key);
		cursor = data[hash_value];
		while (cursor->link() != NULL)
			if (cursor->data().key == key)
				return true;
			cursor = cursor->link();
		return false; 

    template <class RecordType>
    inline std::size_t table<RecordType>::hash(int key) const
        return (key % TABLE_SIZE);


***** table2.h, here is the header

// FILE: table2.h
//   This class is a container template class for a Table of records.
//   The template parameter, RecordType, is the data type of the records in the
//   Table. It may any type with a default constructor, a copy constructor,
//   an assignment operator, and an integer member variable called key.
// CONSTRUCTOR for the Table<RecordType> template class:
//   Table( )
//     Postcondition: The Table has been initialized as an empty Table.
// MODIFICATION MEMBER FUNCTIONS for the Table<RecordType> class:
//   void insert(const RecordType& entry)
//     Precondition: entry.key >= 0. Also if entry.key is not already a key in
//     the table, then the Table has space for another record
//     (i.e., size( ) < CAPACITY).
//     Postcondition: If the table already had a record with a key equal to
//     entry.key, then that record is replaced by entry. Otherwise, entry has
//     been added as a new record of the Table.
//   void remove(int key)
//     Postcondition: If a record was in the Table with the specified key, then
//     that record has been removed; otherwise the table is unchanged.
// CONSTANT MEMBER FUNCTIONS for the Table<RecordType> class:
//   bool is_present(const Item& target) const
//     Postcondition: The return value is true if there is a record in the
//     Table with the specified key. Otherwise, the return value is false.
//   void find(int key, bool& found, RecordType& result) const
//     Postcondition: If a record is in the Table with the specified key, then
//     found is true and result is set to a copy of the record with that key.
//     Otherwise found is false and the result contains garbage.
//   size_t size( ) const
//     Postcondition: Return value is the total number of records in the
//     Table.
// VALUE SEMANTICS for the Table<RecordType> template class:
//   Assignments and the copy constructor may be used with Table objects.
// DYNAMIC MEMORY USAGE by the Table<RecordType> template class:
//   If there is insufficient dynamic memory, then the following functions
//   can call new_handler: the copy constructor, insert, the assignment
//   operator.

#ifndef TABLE2_H
#define TABLE2_H
#include <cstdlib>    // Provides size_t
#include "node2.h"    // Provides the node type, from Figure 6.5 on page 306

namespace main_savitch_12B
    template <class RecordType>
    class table
        // MEMBER CONSTANT -- See Appendix E if this fails to compile.
        static const std::size_t TABLE_SIZE = 811;
        table( );
        table(const table& source);
        ~table( );
        void insert(const RecordType& entry);
        void remove(int key);
        void operator =(const table& source);
        void find(int key, bool& found, RecordType& result) const;
        bool is_present(int key) const;
        std::size_t size( ) const { return total_records; }
        main_savitch_6B::node<RecordType> *data[TABLE_SIZE];
        std::size_t total_records;
        std::size_t hash(int key) const;

#include "table2.template" // Include the implementation


***** node2.h

// FILE: node2.h (part of the namespace main_savitch_6B)
// PROVIDES: A template class for a node in a linked list, and list manipulation
// functions. The template parameter is the type of the data in each node.
// This file also defines a template class: node_iterator<Item>.
// The node_iterator is a forward iterators with two constructors:
// (1) A constructor (with a node<Item>* parameter) that attaches the iterator
// to the specified node in a linked list, and (2) a default constructor that
// creates a special iterator that marks the position that is beyond the end of a
// linked list. There is also a const_node_iterator for use with
// const node<Item>* .
// TYPEDEF for the node<Item> template class:
//   Each node of the list contains a piece of data and a pointer to the
//   next node. The type of the data (node<Item>::value_type) is the Item type
//   from the template parameter. The type may be any of the built-in C++ classes
//   (int, char, ...) or a class with a default constructor, an assignment
//   operator, and a test for equality (x == y).
// NOTE:
//   Many compilers require the use of the new keyword typename before using
//   the expression node<Item>::value_type. Otherwise
//   the compiler doesn't have enough information to realize that it is the
//   name of a data type.
// CONSTRUCTOR for the node<Item> class:
//   node(
//     const Item& init_data = Item(),
//     node* init_link = NULL
//   )
//     Postcondition: The node contains the specified data and link.
//     NOTE: The default value for the init_data is obtained from the default
//     constructor of the Item. In the ANSI/ISO standard, this notation
//     is also allowed for the built-in types, providing a default value of
//     zero. The init_link has a default value of NULL.
// NOTE about two versions of some functions:
//   The data function returns a reference to the data field of a node and
//   the link function returns a copy of the link field of a node.
//   Each of these functions comes in two versions: a const version and a
//   non-const version. If the function is activated by a const node, then the
//   compiler choses the const version (and the return value is const).
//   If the function is activated by a non-const node, then the compiler choses
//   the non-const version (and the return value will be non-const).
//    const node<int> *c;
//    c->link( ) activates the const version of link returning const node*
//    c->data( ) activates the const version of data returning const Item&
//    c->data( ) = 42; ... is forbidden
//    node<int> *p;
//    p->link( ) activates the non-const version of link returning node*
//    p->data( ) activates the non-const version of data returning Item&
//    p->data( ) = 42; ... actually changes the data in p's node
// MEMBER FUNCTIONS for the node<Item> class:
//   const Item& data( ) const <----- const version
//   and
//   Item& data( ) <----------------- non-const version
//   See the note (above) about the const version and non-const versions:
//     Postcondition: The return value is a reference to the  data from this node.
//   const node* link( ) const <----- const version
//   and
//   node* link( ) <----------------- non-const version
//   See the note (above) about the const version and non-const versions:
//     Postcondition: The return value is the link from this node.
//   void set_data(const Item& new_data)
//     Postcondition: The node now contains the specified new data.
//   void set_link(node* new_link)
//     Postcondition: The node now contains the specified new link.
// FUNCTIONS in the linked list toolkit:
//   template <class Item>
//   void list_clear(node<Item>*& head_ptr) 
//     Precondition: head_ptr is the head pointer of a linked list.
//     Postcondition: All nodes of the list have been returned to the heap,
//     and the head_ptr is now NULL.
//   template <class Item>
//   void list_copy
//   (const node<Item>* source_ptr, node<Item>*& head_ptr, node<Item>*& tail_ptr)
//     Precondition: source_ptr is the head pointer of a linked list.
//     Postcondition: head_ptr and tail_ptr are the head and tail pointers for
//     a new list that contains the same items as the list pointed to by
//     source_ptr. The original list is unaltered.
//   template <class Item>
//   void list_head_insert(node<Item>*& head_ptr, const Item& entry) 
//     Precondition: head_ptr is the head pointer of a linked list.
//     Postcondition: A new node containing the given entry has been added at
//     the head of the linked list; head_ptr now points to the head of the new,
//     longer linked list.
//   template <class Item>
//   void list_head_remove(node<Item>*& head_ptr) 
//     Precondition: head_ptr is the head pointer of a linked list, with at
//     least one node.
//     Postcondition: The head node has been removed and returned to the heap;
//     head_ptr is now the head pointer of the new, shorter linked list.
//   template <class Item>
//   void list_insert(node<Item>* previous_ptr, const Item& entry) 
//     Precondition: previous_ptr points to a node in a linked list.
//     Postcondition: A new node containing the given entry has been added
//     after the node that previous_ptr points to.
//   template <class Item>
//   size_t list_length(const node<Item>* head_ptr)
//     Precondition: head_ptr is the head pointer of a linked list.
//     Postcondition: The value returned is the number of nodes in the linked
//     list.
//   template <class NodePtr, class SizeType>
//   NodePtr list_locate(NodePtr head_ptr, SizeType position)
//   The NodePtr may be either node<Item>* or const node<Item>*
//     Precondition: head_ptr is the head pointer of a linked list, and
//     position > 0.
//     Postcondition: The return value is a pointer that points to the node at
//     the specified position in the list. (The head node is position 1, the
//     next node is position 2, and so on). If there is no such position, then
//     the null pointer is returned.
//   template <class Item>
//   void list_remove(node<Item>* previous_ptr) 
//     Precondition: previous_ptr points to a node in a linked list, and this
//     is not the tail node of the list.
//     Postcondition: The node after previous_ptr has been removed from the
//     linked list.
//   template <class NodePtr, class Item>
//   NodePtr list_search
//   (NodePtr head_ptr, const Item& target) 
//   The NodePtr may be either node<Item>* or const node<Item>*
//     Precondition: head_ptr is the head pointer of a linked list.
//     Postcondition: The return value is a pointer that points to the first
//     node containing the specified target in its data member. If there is no
//     such node, the null pointer is returned.
// DYNAMIC MEMORY usage by the toolkit: 
//   If there is insufficient dynamic memory, then the following functions throw
//   bad_alloc: the constructor, list_head_insert, list_insert, list_copy.

#include <cstdlib>   // Provides NULL and size_t
#include <iterator>  // Provides iterator and forward_iterator_tag

namespace main_savitch_6B
    template <class Item>
    class node
        // TYPEDEF
        typedef Item value_type;
        // CONSTRUCTOR
        node(const Item& init_data=Item( ), node* init_link=NULL)
            { data_field = init_data; link_field = init_link; }
        Item& data( ) { return data_field; }
        node* link( ) { return link_field; }
        void set_data(const Item& new_data) { data_field = new_data; }
        void set_link(node* new_link) { link_field = new_link; }
        const Item& data( ) const { return data_field; }
        const node* link( ) const { return link_field; }
        Item data_field;
        node *link_field;

    // FUNCTIONS to manipulate a linked list:
    template <class Item>
    void list_clear(node<Item>*& head_ptr);

    template <class Item>
    void list_copy
        (const node<Item>* source_ptr, node<Item>*& head_ptr, node<Item>*& tail_ptr);

    template <class Item>
    void list_head_insert(node<Item>*& head_ptr, const Item& entry); 

    template <class Item>
    void list_head_remove(node<Item>*& head_ptr);

    template <class Item>
    void list_insert(node<Item>* previous_ptr, const Item& entry);
    template <class Item>
	std::size_t list_length(const node<Item>* head_ptr);

    template <class NodePtr, class SizeType>
    NodePtr list_locate(NodePtr head_ptr, SizeType position);

    template <class Item>
    void list_remove(node<Item>* previous_ptr);
    template <class NodePtr, class Item>
    NodePtr list_search(NodePtr head_ptr, const Item& target);

    // FORWARD ITERATORS to step through the nodes of a linked list
    // A node_iterator of can change the underlying linked list through the
    // * operator, so it may not be used with a const node. The
    // node_const_iterator cannot change the underlying linked list
    // through the * operator, so it may be used with a const node.
    // WARNING:
    // This classes use std::iterator as its base class;
    // Older compilers that do not support the std::iterator class can
    // delete everything after the word iterator in the second line:

    template <class Item>
    class node_iterator
    : public std::iterator<std::forward_iterator_tag, Item>
    	node_iterator(node<Item>* initial = NULL)
	    { current = initial; }
	Item& operator *( ) const
	    { return current->data( ); }
	node_iterator& operator ++( ) // Prefix ++
		current = current->link( );
		return *this;
	node_iterator operator ++(int) // Postfix ++
		node_iterator original(current);
		current = current->link( );
		return original;      	  
	bool operator ==(const node_iterator other) const
	    { return current == other.current; }
	bool operator !=(const node_iterator other) const
	    { return current != other.current; }
	node<Item>* current;

    template <class Item>
    class const_node_iterator
    : public std::iterator<std::forward_iterator_tag, const Item>
    	const_node_iterator(const node<Item>* initial = NULL)
	    { current = initial; }
	const Item& operator *( ) const
	    { return current->data( ); }
	const_node_iterator& operator ++( ) // Prefix ++
		current = current->link( );
		return *this;
	const_node_iterator operator ++(int) // Postfix ++
		const_node_iterator original(current);
		current = current->link( );
		return original;
	bool operator ==(const const_node_iterator other) const
	    { return current == other.current; }
	bool operator !=(const const_node_iterator other) const
	    { return current != other.current; }
	const node<Item>* current;


#include "node2.template"

***** node2.template

// FILE: node2.template
// IMPLEMENTS: The functions of the node template class and the
// linked list toolkit (see node2.h for documentation).
// NOTE:
//   Since node is a template class, this file is included in node2.h.
//   Therefore, we should not put any using directives in this file.
// INVARIANT for the node class:
//   The data of a node is stored in data_field, and the link in link_field.

#include <cassert>    // Provides assert
#include <cstdlib>    // Provides NULL and size_t

namespace main_savitch_6B
    template <class Item>
    void list_clear(node<Item>*& head_ptr)
    // Library facilities used: cstdlib
	while (head_ptr != NULL)

    template <class Item>
    void list_copy(
	const node<Item>* source_ptr,
	node<Item>*& head_ptr,
	node<Item>*& tail_ptr
    // Library facilities used: cstdlib
	head_ptr = NULL;
	tail_ptr = NULL;

	// Handle the case of the empty list
	if (source_ptr == NULL)

	// Make the head node for the newly created list, and put data in it
	list_head_insert(head_ptr, source_ptr->data( ));
	tail_ptr = head_ptr; 
	// Copy rest of the nodes one at a time, adding at the tail of new list
	source_ptr = source_ptr->link( ); 
        while (source_ptr != NULL)
	    list_insert(tail_ptr, source_ptr->data( ));
	    tail_ptr = tail_ptr->link( );
	    source_ptr = source_ptr->link( );
    template <class Item>
    void list_head_insert(node<Item>*& head_ptr, const Item& entry)
	head_ptr = new node<Item>(entry, head_ptr);

    template <class Item>
    void list_head_remove(node<Item>*& head_ptr)
	node<Item> *remove_ptr;

	remove_ptr = head_ptr;
	head_ptr = head_ptr->link( );
	delete remove_ptr;

    template <class Item>
    void list_insert(node<Item>* previous_ptr, const Item& entry) 
	node<Item> *insert_ptr;
	insert_ptr = new node<Item>(entry, previous_ptr->link( ));

    template <class Item>
    std::size_t list_length(const node<Item>* head_ptr)
    // Library facilities used: cstdlib
	const node<Item> *cursor;
	std::size_t answer;
	answer = 0;
	for (cursor = head_ptr; cursor != NULL; cursor = cursor->link( ))
	return answer;

    template <class NodePtr, class SizeType>
    NodePtr list_locate(NodePtr head_ptr, SizeType position) 
    // Library facilities used: cassert, cstdlib
	NodePtr cursor;
	SizeType i;
	assert(0 < position);
	cursor = head_ptr;
	for (i = 1; (i < position) && (cursor != NULL); ++i)
	    cursor = cursor->link( );
	return cursor;

    template <class Item>
    void list_remove(node<Item>* previous_ptr)
	node<Item> *remove_ptr;

	remove_ptr = previous_ptr->link( );
	previous_ptr->set_link(remove_ptr->link( ));
	delete remove_ptr;

    template <class NodePtr, class Item>
    NodePtr list_search(NodePtr head_ptr, const Item& target) 
    // Library facilities used: cstdlib
	NodePtr cursor;
	for (cursor = head_ptr; cursor != NULL; cursor = cursor->link( ))
	    if (target == cursor->data( ))
		return cursor;
	return NULL;

***** here is the test program

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include "table2.h"    // Provides the chained hash table class

using namespace std;
using namespace main_savitch_12B;

// **************************************************************************
// TableRecord type
//   Each table will use the following data type for its entries, with
//   keys ranging from 0 through MAX_KEY.
// **************************************************************************
struct TableRecord
    int key;
    double data;
const int MAX_KEY = 5000;
const int TABLE_SIZE = 811; // Knowing how table2 was implemented

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    cout << "*************************************";
    cout << "\nChain hashing test";
    cout << "*************************************";
    // Create a table and add some values to it
    table<TableRecord> testTable;
    TableRecord testRecord;
    // Add 100 records to our table to get started
    for (int index = 0; index < 100; index++)
        // Calculate a data value and a key for the record
        testRecord.data = (double) index * 50;
        testRecord.key = index * 50;
    // Add a record that has the same key as existing: shouldn't affect count
    testRecord.data = 99.0;
    testRecord.key = 300;
    // Add some records that should generate collisions, knowing how we calculate
    //  the hash code as key % TABLE_SIZE, with size set to 811
    testRecord.data = 99.0;
    testRecord.key = TABLE_SIZE;
    testRecord.data = 99.0;
    testRecord.key = TABLE_SIZE * 2;
    testRecord.data = 99.0;
    testRecord.key = TABLE_SIZE * 10;
    // Show the results of our insertions
    cout << "\nAdded " << testTable.size() << " records to the test table" << endl;
    cout << "*************************************";
    // Try to remove some known key values, including some duplicates and some that collided
    testTable.remove(TABLE_SIZE * 2);
    // Show the results after our removals
    cout << "\nAfter removals there are " << testTable.size() << " records in the test table" << endl;
    cout << "*************************************";
    // Search for some values that should and should not be there
    cout << "\nTry some searches for key values\n";
    bool found = false;
    for (int index = 0; index < MAX_KEY; index = index + 150)
        testTable.find(index, found, testRecord);
        if (found)
            cout << "Found record with key value " << index << ", data = " << testRecord.data << endl;
            cout << "Did not find record with key value " << index << endl;
    // Find the collision record that should still be there using is_present
    if (testTable.is_present(TABLE_SIZE * 10))
        cout << "\nSuccessfully found record with key equal to " << TABLE_SIZE * 10 << endl;
        cout << "\n?? Failed to find record with key equal to " << TABLE_SIZE * 10 << endl;

    cout << "*************************************"<< endl;
    cout << "End of Test" << endl;
    cout << "*************************************" << endl;

My assignments on line 57 and 66 seem to be causing the crash, they go away when I comment them out. I'm trying to resolve them but I'm having no luck.

This is embarrassing, found I was comparing without first making the data subscript cursor was pointing to a node, which has no link() pointer...

if (cursor->link() == NULL)


if (cursor == NULL)
	cursor = new main_savitch_6B::node<RecordType>;

Still might not be correct but im getting somewhere.

also, I am not even using my found boolean in the is_present function, so im making that change. there is a problem with is_present and find functions still but I am working on those.

Wow, what a bunch of rookie mistakes I made, nevermind. Fixed my problems.

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