I am having a problem ending a line after a certain amount of characters. Also I would like not have the second occurrence when I print thing out.

For instance it would show
The first problem


I prefer :

The second problem:


K = 1
T = 3
T = 3
T = 3

If anyone knows how to delete the other two I would appreciate.

//Generate Characters
int generateChar( int genChar[], int seed, int numOfChar )
    for ( int index = 0; index < numOfChar; index++ )
        genChar[index] = (rand() % 25 + 65);
        cout << (char)genChar[index];
         cout << endl;

//Count numbers
int count( int genChar[], int seed, int numOfChar)
    int counter = 0, temp, ascii = 65 ;
    for (int index = 0; index < numOfChar; index++)
        temp = genChar[index];
        for (int k = 0; k < numOfChar; k++)
            if (temp == genChar[k]) { counter++; }
        cout << (char)genChar[index] << " = " << counter << endl;
        counter = 0;
        temp = genChar[index];

1) count the number of characters and when you hit your magic number output a \n
2) call srand() only at the beginning of your program, never in your function

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