Lets say I have a class A
and I also have classes B and C that inherit from class A

class A {
virtual void foo()=0;

class B : class A {
void foo();
//more specific stuff

class C : class A {
void foo();
//more specific stuff

Now lets say I have a similar set up for classes X, Y, and Z, except I want them contain some form of class A
as such.

class X {
A m_myA;  
// I know this doesn't work due to the abstract definition, but this is my goal

class Y : class X {
B m_myA;

class Z : class X {
C m_myA;

My question is, what happens to class A in classes Y and Z? I think Y will contain an A and a B, and Z will contain an A and a C.
However, I want a pointer to a generic class X to call foo() of the most derived form of class A it contains.

So if I say


If p_x is a class Y, m_myA.foo() [class B version] is called
If p_x is a class Z, m_myA.foo() [class C version] is called

Is this possible? If yes, how?
If I don't declare some version of class A in base class X, there is no way to know its a member in all derived classes

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Basically, you are on the right track, but you need to make the member variables pointers, and don't instantiate them in the derived classes. IE, something like this:

class X {
A* m_myA;  
// I know this doesn't work due to the abstract definition, but this is my goal
    X(A* myA) : m_myA(myA) {}
class Y : class X {
B m_myB;
    Y() : X(&m_myB);
class Z : class X {
C m_myC;
    Z() : X(&m_myC) {}

Then, change your access code from p_x->m_myA.foo(); to this: p_x->m_myA->foo();. That should do what you want, although it is a bit clunky...

commented: Yep, works like I want, thanks! +0

Excellent, this is what I wanted, thanks! It is a bit clunky. From the derived class' stand point it seems odd to have a member variable and a pointer to their own member variable, but the next best alternative I can think of is to lump class B and C back into class A and use an isB/isC flag in every class A function. A couple extra pointers and dereferences seems preferable.

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