so basically, i think i have the basic idea written down but am not really understanding the errors i recieve like for example one of the errors were, "error: invalid conversion from `int' to `double*'" but ya...code if appriciate the help, thanks

 * CS-11 Asn 9
 * gradebook.cpp
 * Purpose: calculates overall grade for the semester.
 * @author Ramin Rezaei
 * @version 1.0 4/27/06
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

// Avoid magic numbers.
// Change the following constants however you like.
const int NUM_AREAS = 4;

const int MAX_ASN = 11;
const int MAX_EXER = 12;
const int MAX_MID = 2;
const int MAX_FINAL = 2;

const double WEIGHT_ASN = .30;
const double WEIGHT_EXER = .15;
const double WEIGHT_MID = .20;
const double WEIGHT_FINAL = .35;

const string AREAS[] = {"Assignments", "Exercises", "Midterm", "Final Exam"};
const int INDEX_ASN = 0;
const int INDEX_EXER = 1;
const int INDEX_MID = 2;
const int INDEX_FINAL = 3;

const double MIN_A = .90;
const double MIN_B = .80;
const double MIN_C = .70;
const double MIN_D = .60;

const int NUM_DECIMAL_PLACES = 2;
const double PERCENT_MULTIPLIER = 100;

 * Load the scores from the fileName into data[].
 * @param fileName The name of the file.
 * @param data The array in which the data is loaded.
 * @param size The maximum array size.
 * @return The number of elements loaded into the array.
int loadScores(double data[], int size, string fileName);

 * Calculates the weighted percentage of the data where data[0] is
 * the maximum possible for all scores and each subsequent item is
 * an individual score. Also makes sure that the score does not
 * exceed 100%.
 * @param data The array in which the data is loaded.
 * @param size The number of array items used.
 * @param weight The weight to apply to the data percentage.
 * @return The weighted percentage.
double calcScore(double data[], int numItems, double weight);

 * Outputs the grade calculations in the specified format.
 * @param weightedScores The weighted percentages of all areas.
 * @param size The number of array elements.
 * @param out The output stream to write the data to.
void report(double weightedScores[], int size, ostream& out);

 * Converts the percentage to a letter grade.
 * @param percentage The percentage to convert.
 * @return The letter grade.

double calcScoreNeeded(double wanted, double earned);

// Application driver
int main() {
    ifstream fin;
    ofstream fout;
    string filenName;
    double numItems;
    int asn[MAX_ASN];
    int exer[MAX_EXER];
    int mid[MAX_MID];
    int final[MAX_FINAL];

    //fileName = "asn.txt";
    calcScore(asn[MAX_ASN],numItems, WEIGHT_ASN);

    //fileName = "exer.txt";
    calcScore(exer[MAX_EXER],numItems, WEIGHT_EXER);

    //fileName = "mid.txt";
    calcScore(mid[MAX_MID],numItems, WEIGHT_MID);

    //fileName = "final.txt";
    calcScore(final[MAX_FINAL],numItems, WEIGHT_FINAL);

    return 0;

// Load the scores from the fileName into data[].
int loadScores(double data[], int size, string fileName) {
    ifstream fin;
    ofstream fout;

    int count = 0;;
    if ( {
        cout << "Input file failed to open.\n";
        while(fin >> data[count] && count < size) {

    // Read the number of scores
    // Also load scores into the data[]

   return count;

// Calculates the weighted percentage of the data where data[0] is the maximum
// possible for all scores and each subsequent item is an individual score.
// Also makes sure that the score does not exceed 100%.
double calcScore(double data[], int numItems, double weight) {
    double result = 0;
    double numItems;

    for (int i = 0; i < numItems; i++) {
        result = result + data [i]

    result = result / data [0];

       if (data[0] > 1 ) {
        if (data[i] ==0) {

    // DANGER: watch out for division by zero!!!!

    return result;

// Outputs the grade calculations in the specified format.
void report(double weightedScores[], int size, ostream& out) {


// Converts the percentage to a letter grade.
char toLetterGrade(double percentage) {
    char letterGrade = 'z';
    // Use if-else statements to return a letter grade

    return letterGrade;

To start, as a declaration this

int asn[MAX_ASN];

defines an array of size MAX_ASN of ints. When used later this asn[MAX_ASN] is a an int (one beyond the end of the declared array. And for functions expecting a pointer to a double, provide a pointer to a double (rather than to an int).

[edit]If a function expects 3 parameters, provide 3 (not, say, 2).

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