Ok i got this thing to compile now perfectly no errors, when i run it the menu comes up. The problem is when i use the option in the menu it gives me an exception error??
ne one know where i went wrong on this one....
what i did was instead of two seperate classes i put the classes together to make them compile but now my information wont show up....?

ne help is apreciated

package Schedule;

import java.io.*;
public class ScheduleMenu
	Programme programme []= new Programme[200];
	int entry = 0;
	int comedysize = 10;
	int filmsize = 10;
	int dramasize = 10;
	Comedy comedy[] = new Comedy[comedysize];
 	Drama drama[] = new Drama[dramasize];
 	Film film[] = new Film[filmsize];
	public static void main(String args[])
	throws IOException
		new ScheduleMenu().mainMenu();

	public void initialiseComedy()
 	 	for (int i=20; i<comedysize;i++)
 			comedy[i] = new Comedy();
 		entry = 0;
    //Hardcoded details
    public void setComedyDetails()
        entry = 1; 
    	comedy[0] = new Comedy ("My Wife & Kids		","Mario Wyans		","Lisa Ray		","Daily life of familyin america		","30		","No		");	
public void setFilmDetails()
    	film[0] = new Film ("War Of The Worlds		","Tom Cruise		","Steven Spielberg		","Tripod aliens attack earth		","120		","Yes		");	
    public void setDramaDetails()
    	drama[0] = new Drama ("24		","Keifer Sutherland		","Dan Maniche		","counter terrorist unit adventure		","60		","No		");	
  	public void allComedies()
 		if(entry == 1)
 		   System.out.println("Title	Actor   Director		Synopsis		Duration		Rentable");
 		   for (int i=0; i<comedysize;i++)
		else if(entry ==0)
		  	 System.out.println("No entries made");	      	

 	public void viewAll()
           for (int i=0; i<comedysize;i++)
 			public void mainMenu(){ 
	//	Schedule schedule= new Schedule();
	    char choice = '0';
			   System.out.println("\nPLEASE CHOOSE FROM THE OPTIONS BELOW");
			   System.out.println(" 1. VIEW ALL");
			   System.out.println(" 8. TO QUIT");
			   System.out.println(" ENTER A NUMBER CORRESPONDING THE OPTION:");
		       /**** problem ****/
		       //choice=(char) System.in.read();
		       /**** end of problem ****/
		       BufferedReader reader;
				reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
			//	String i = reader.readLine();
				//choice = Integer.parseInt(i);
				choice=(char) System.in.read();
			      case '1': viewAll();//university.addStudent();
		 	      case '8': System.out.println("System Exit");
		    catch (IOException e)
		    //catch(NumberFormatException e)
		    //	System.out.println("Problem :"+e.getMessage());
		}while(choice !=8);

What's the exception and the sourcelines you have a problem with?

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