Hey guys i have an advanced programming project , which is to run on both linux and windows operating systems. And i wanted to know if there is an IDE with drag and drop features which i can use to code the graphical user interface

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Qt Creator is built just for that task, obviously for Qt. I'm sure there are others for different libraries, but that's the first one that comes to mind.

I was going to mention that one but couldn't think of an IDE.

The wxWidgets folks keep a list of IDEs. I'd probably look at Code::Blocks first; it's worked well for me in other areas. I'm not sure how fancy or easy wxSmith is, though.

Both of the popular cross-platform GUI toolsets have been mentioned - Qt and WxWidgets. I've used both on Unix/Linux/Windows and while very different in flavor, they both work very well. There are other tools as well, though a bit more low-level, such as GTK and such. Myself, if I want to write a full-featured GUI with C++ that behaves identically on Linux and Windows, then I use Qt - and my being an engineer at Nokia (formerly owner of Qt) has nothing to do with it - I do no GUI programming at Nokia - I am a systems engineer... :-)

I would just chip in another vote for Qt. I've had nothing but pleasant experiences working with this library and the tools (drag-drop designer, IDE, qmake and cmake add-on), it's been smooth sailing all the way and the feature-set is very complete, stable and looks good and the same everywhere (OS-wise). Even for Windows-only work, I would go for Qt, hands down (with maybe only Borland's VCL beating it, but it's too outdated now).

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