Public Function FTPFileTransafer(ByVal Host As String, _

Public Function FTPFileTransafer(ByVal Host As String, _
                                  ByVal User As String, _
                                  ByVal Password As String, _
                                  ByVal Serverfilepath As String, _
                                  ByVal LocalFilePath As String) As Boolean

On Error GoTo FTPError

        Dim intFTPConnect As Integer
        Dim intFTPPutFile As Integer

        FTPFileTransafer = False

        Dim objftp As FTP2.clsFTP
        Set objftp = New FTP2.clsFTP
        objftp.Host = Host
        objftp.User = User
        objftp.Password = Password

        intFTPConnect = objftp.Connect(objftp.Host, objftp.User, objftp.Password)

        Call objftp.PutFile(LocalFilePath, Serverfilepath, ftAscii) ' ftBinary
        'Call objftp.GetFile(  LocalFilePath, Serverfilepath, 1)

        Set objftp = Nothing
        FTPFileTransafer = True
        Exit Function


       MsgBox Err.Description
        Set objftp = Nothing
        FTPFileTransafer = False
        Exit Function
End Function

What error is being reported?

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