
I am having a few problems when trying to execute the a Makefile that will hopefully create a static library that I can use for future use. Here is my code below:

#   Usage of make file
# Clean operation:
#   make -f MakeClient clean
# Make operation:
#   make -f MakeClient

#OBJ = $(SRC:.cpp=.o)
OBJ_DIR = ./obj

OUT_DIR= ./lib
OUT_FILE_NAME = libclient.a

# include directories

# C++ compiler flags (-g -O2 -Wall)
CCFLAGS := -std=c++0x

# compiler
CCC = g++ 

# Enumerating of every *.cpp as *.o and using that as dependency
$(OUT_FILE_NAME): $(patsubst %.cpp,$(OBJ_DIR)/%.o,$(wildcard *.cpp))
    $(CCC) -static $(LIB_DIR) $(LIBS) -o $(OUT_DIR)/$@ $^

#Compiling every *.cpp to *.o
$(OBJ_DIR)/%.o: %.cpp dircreation
    $(CCC) -c $(CCFLAGS) -o $@ $<

    @mkdir -p $(OUT_DIR)
    @mkdir -p $(OBJ_DIR)

.PHONY : clean
    rm -f $(OBJ_DIR)/*.o $(OUT_DIR)/$(OUT_FILE_NAME) Makefile.bak

And I get the following error(s):

g++  -c -std=c++0x -o obj/FFT.o FFT.cpp
g++  -c -std=c++0x -o obj/complex.o complex.cpp
g++  -static   -o ./lib/libclient.a obj/FFT.o obj/complex.o
ld: library not found for -lcrt0.o
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [libclient.a] Error 1

The problem seems to be associated with this line:

# Enumerating of every *.cpp as *.o and using that as dependency
$(OUT_FILE_NAME): $(patsubst %.cpp,$(OBJ_DIR)/%.o,$(wildcard *.cpp))
    $(CCC) -static $(LIB_DIR) $(LIBS) -o $(OUT_DIR)/$@ $^

But cannot figure what the problem is.

Hopefully someone can help,

Thanks :)

Are you using a MAC? Because a quick google search makes it pretty clear that this is a MAC OS X issue.

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