What is wrong in my code??? Please HELP. :(

.model small

.stack 10h


prom db 0ah,0dh,"Enter the 1st no.:$"

promp  db 0ah, 0dh,"Enter the 2nd no.:$"

result db "The answer is$"

num db 2 dup(?),'$'

stop_num db,10,13,'$'


mov ax,@data

mov ds,ax

mov ah,9

lea dx,prom

int 21h

mov ah,1

int 21h

mov num[0],al

mov ah,2

mov dl,10   

mov ah,9

lea dx,promp

int 21h 

mov ah,1

int 21h

mov num[1],al

mov bl,0

add bl,num[0]

muli bl,num[1]

add bl,30h

mov ah,2

mov dl,10

int 21h

mov dl,13

int 21h

mov ah,9

lea dx,result

int 21h

mov dl,13

int 21h 

mov ah,2

mov dl,bl

int 21h

mov ah,4ch

int 21h


No one can help because you don't tell us what type of assembly you are using, what the purpose of this program, what is the input, what is the expected output, and what is the current output or errors...

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