
I need to create a war card game.
I have a problem with linked list - I read about it but still I have a problem with writing the code.

I made a deck of shuffled card and now I need to sort it out between 2 players... so I want the deck to be a list so i will always be able to compare the cards

Here is part of my code, I would appreciate any help!

typedef struct card
    int rank;
    int suit;

typedef struct deck {           
    int num_cards;
    card **cards;
    struct deck *next;
} deck;

deck *shuffle(deck *deck1)   //shuffle the deck
    int check[4][13] = { 0 };

    for (int i = 0; i < DECKSIZE; i++)
        int getVal = rand() % 13;
        int getSuit = rand() % 4;

        if (check[getSuit][getVal] >= 1)

        deck1->cards[i] = make_card(getSuit, getVal);  //didn't insert the mark_card function

    return deck1;

deck *addPlayer1(deck *shuffledpile, deck *top, deck *bottom)
    deck *pile1 = malloc(sizeof(deck));;
    pile1->num_cards = 26;
    pile1->cards = malloc(26 * sizeof(card *));

    int i;

    for (i = 0; i < DECKSIZE / 2; i++)
        pile1->cards[i] = shuffledpile->cards[i];
        pile1->next = bottom;


    return pile1;

int main()

deck *pile = makeDeck();   //didn't insert the makeDeck fuction- but it works
deck *deckShuffled = shuffle(pile);
    deck *Atop=NULL, *Abot=NULL;
    deck *player1=addPlayer1(deckShuffled,Atop, Abot);

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All 3 Replies

It seems you have the deck be any stack of cards, and many decks, so it is hard to tell if all cards are still in some deck. Shuffling is faster/free of dups if you rand times numner of cards left to pick the next card from a deck originally in some normal order. You could track cards as being in the supply pile, discard, or player hand 1 to N, all in one container. While your decks are tied to each other linked list, they are arrays. Since you need to adjust decks a lot, you might make the decks linked lists of cards, and the list of decks an array: 0=pile, 1=discard, 2=played, 3-N = player hands or some pointers and an array. The cards played onto the table might just be a separate list, as you need to know who owns what but they all end up in the discard, for a tricks sort of game.

This may give you some more ideas ...

and some more tools (C utility functions) to use in your code:
(You could use a 'Clist' by including file Clist.h
available at ...


if your prefer)

/* 52Cards.c */

#include "readLine.h" /* re. myAssert */
#include <time.h>

const char kinds[] = { 'S', 'C', 'H', 'D' };
const char values[] = { '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'T', 'J', 'Q', 'K', 'A' };

typedef struct
    char kind;
    char val;

} Rec;

void freeVrec( Rec* p )
    /* NO dynamic memory was used here, so NONE to free  ... */

/* NEED BOTH definitions above: typedef Rec  and  freeVrec ...
   and then can include ... */

#include "Cvec.h"

#define Card Rec /* equate */

void getNewDeck( Cvec* cards )
    int i, j;
    for( i = 0; i < 4; ++ i )
        for( j = 0; j < 13; ++ j )
            Card c;
            c.kind = kinds[i];
            c.val = values[j];
            push_backCvec( cards, &c  );
void shuffleDeck( Cvec* cards )
    int i, j, count = cards->size;
    Card tmp;
    while( count-- )
        i = rand() % cards->size;
        j = rand() % cards->size;

        /* swap */
        tmp = cards->ary[i];
        cards->ary[i] = cards->ary[j];
        cards->ary[j] = tmp;

void showDeck( const Cvec* cards )
    int i;
    for( i = 0; i < cards->size;  )
        printf( "%c %c  ", cards->ary[i].kind,  cards->ary[i].val ) ;
        if( ++i % 5 == 0 ) putchar('\n');

int main()
    Cvec cards;
    initCvec( &cards ); /* must initial to work ok ... */

    srand( time(0) );

    getNewDeck( &cards );
    showDeck( &cards );

    printf( "capacity = %d, size = %d\n", cards.cap, cards.size );

    clearCvec( &cards ); /* clear all dynamic memory whe done */
    puts( "After clearCvec..." );
    printf( "capacity = %d, size = %d\n", cards.cap, cards.size );

    printf( "\nPress 'Enter' to continue/exit ... " );
    fflush( stdout );
    return 0;


You can find file readLine.h at:


You can find file Cvec.h at:


link list is a data structure group of node are represent or sequence.

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